Disney movies always make it to the Christmas lists!
When I was a brand new blogger I shared a blog post about my holiday planner called: Making a List, Checking it Twice. I've used a planning system every year for Christmas ever since I was a teenager. It really does streamline tasks, making it much easier to get much accomplished! If I have a plan and a system, I'm able to be doubly effective, and actually have time to cozy up with hot cocoa and enjoy the holidays. True story loves! {wink}

Click on over and read my old post with the HOLIDAY PLANNER idea to keep your days running effectively and smoothly. So, Here you go, Merry Christmas, You're welcome, click here.
Okay! Now onto the fun stuff, a GIVEAWAY! Disney/Pixar generously sent our family BRAVE, the #1 Animated Film of the Year to watch at home! I was super excited because we got our hands on it before it was released and that made us feel super lucky. ;)
Our copy of BRAVE Ultimate Collector's Edition 5-Disc Set

Many of you know that we aren't a TV family. We've never had cable or channels, or a big flat screen TV in our house. In fact, it was only recently that my kids learned what a commercial was. We now own a portable small tv and dvd player that we keep stored and we pull out for special occasions. Because of that, having a movie night is a big treat in our house! The boys get giddy, making endless trips up and down the stairs as they drag pillows, blankets, toys, and more pillows and blankets down to our living room floor, all in preparation for MOVIE NIGHT!
We rarely watch movies so we pulled out our portable tv,
covered the floor with blankets and pillows,
and waited big-eyed with anticipation for the movie to start!
I didn't cook.
If we were going to have a relaxing, lazy movie night
then we had to do it right!
Our entire meal was straight out of a box or bag.
We were bumming it the entire night and loving every second.
Within seconds of turning on the movie, our living room was transfixed in a magic fairy tale, and we were taken away to the magical highlands of Scotland and introduced to a strong-willed young girl with big curls and fiery red hair. We journeyed along, experiencing another heroic Disney adventure! From laughing at the funny scenes, to holding our breath during scary scenes, to smiling during triumphant scenes, Brave wraps all emotions into one film. The film quality and animation are amazing! However, I did feel disappointment over the development of the main character, as it made youth too disrespectful. There is a fine balance between being "headstrong" and acting "rebellious". I believe as humans, we find our greatest strength (and power!) in being obedient and respectful, and blessings will follow that!
Disney/Pixar is giving one lucky reader
of Moore Minutes
a copy of BRAVE Ultimate Collector's Edition 5-Disc Set!
You'll win this pack which includes FIVE discs!
1) 3D film
2) Blu Ray
3) A bonus disc
4) dvd
5) digital copy
The bonus disc includes other intriguing short films, a history of old world Scotland and it's culture, the art behind the BEAR characters, and other up close and personal looks behind the scenes!
To enter for this win
(and SOMEbody reading these words WILL be the winner!!)
easily follow the entry instructions in the rafflecopter box below.
Whoever wins will already have a Christmas gift checked off their list. Easy.
MooreMinutes is NOW on facebook!
If you like us there, you get an extra entry!

This post is linked to: Under the Table & Dreamin, Nifty Thrifty, Seasonal Sundays, Made by You Monday, Met Monday, Tuesday Tutorials and Tips, HOMEWORK: Be Inspired, Tasty Tuesday, Tip Junkie, Get Your Craft On, Works for Me Wednesday, Organize and Decorate Everything, Celebrations at Home,Transformation Thursday,Tablescape Thursday, Strut Your Stuff, 36th Ave, Foodie Friday, Frugal Friday, I'm Lovin It, Tickled Pink, Friday Flair, Design Dazzle, eighteen25, Be Different Act Normal, Funky Junk Interiors, Weekend Wrap Up sew many ways Six Sisters Saturday
We still haven't seen it, but I'm sure we'd love it--thanks!
we want to see this movie! i would love to win
daniellex at gmail dot com
Thanks Lisa!! Love all things Disney/Pixar!!!
Oh! This is one that we're so excited to see!!
Outstanding review! And a big THANK YOU to Disney/Pixar for a fun family movie night!
My sister loves this movie! I think that it's because we are both gingers ;)
It is awesome that you have made tv a treat in your house instead of a couch potatoe in training tool!!
Thanks for the great giveaway. We haven't see this movie yet but I know my family would love it.
ooh, this is great. i have heard good things about the movie and hope to see it.
I cannot see this girl and NOT think of my oldest Granddaughter!
She actually got a bow now. It worries me.
I hope she doesn't see Hunger Games for a few years or I suspect she will disappear into the wilderness to hunt and forage.
looks like such a cute movie!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
It would be a great gift for my daughters.. they need more female superheros
LOVE this! I grew up watching Disney and got engaged at Disney World so I would love this!!
I follow via GFC as momlovesdeals. My kids loved Brave in the theater so I'd love to own it!
momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/Mom_Loves_Deals/status/266282402421288962
Oh man, I haven't seen this yet. I can't wait!
YESSS, loved this movie! Thanks for the chance!
Thank you for the giveaway!
thanks for the giveaway! would love to win!
shared on fb: https://www.facebook.com/ashleygatewood1985/posts/550238468325472
My 3-year-old daughter would absolutely LOVE to get this for Christmas. Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I've heard a lot of good things about this movie!
I can't wait to finally see this movie!
shared on FB! http://www.facebook.com/jemima.puddleduck.5621/posts/485889748111234
i hope i win this for my daughter we've never seen it
I am so excited my family and I have been wanting to watch this we love love movie nights here we do the same thing not cook cuddle blankets pillows the whole works I hope to win thanks for the great giveaway
Would love to win this for my niece.
Shared on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/stephen.nettles.12/posts/368400059916771
alienxphile at yahoo dot com
I would love to see this movie! ThePooh02
Thank you for this giveaway I would love to win this for my daughter.
Would love to see this movie
So happy to have found your blog site and this great giveaway!! Thank you :-)
Been following you for awhile! This would be great for Christmas!
I really want to see this
I'll sign up for a chance to win! :) While Brave wasn't our favorite Disney movie, it has its cute parts and Merida's hair is so great!
Would LOVE to see this!
My kids loved this movie
My daughter has wanted to see this one!
I also liked you on Facebook! Debbie ritenour
I would love to win this for my Gwen for Christmas! Thank you so much for taking the time to host!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I shared this post on twitter
Thanks for the awesome giveaway I really appreciate the chance to win and finding your great blog. Alsothis is a great movie!
I would love to see this movie.
My daughter has seen and loved this movies, so I would like to have a copy for the rest of the family to enjoy at home.
We say Brave at the drive in (yes, there are still one or two left in California. lol) and the whole family loved it! I have young boys (and teenage girls) and I was pleasantly surprised to find that Brave wasn't ONLY a "girl" movie. The boys loved those little bear brothers! Would love to win this movie.
My nieces would love this DVD. Thank you!
I can't wait to see this movie, it looks great!!!
haven't seen this movie et, but hoping to win!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I would like to watch this with my granddaughter.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My little sister is such a Brave fan and would LOVE this for Christmas!!
I would love to see the movie and I do hope that I can win
I would love to win this movie, I haven't seen it yet and I think my kids would love it.
Can't wait to see this movie! I missed it in the theater!
~Liz N
I didn't get to see this yet! Would love to watch it with my kids!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love that tv is a special event in your house. I think that's so important for kids!
Thanks for the great giveaway! Would love to win it to watch with my family who love Disney Pixar movies!
My 6 yr old so wants to see this
Oh we have wanted to see Brave for some time now. Looks so good!
My 2 daughters would absolutely love this!
I would love to win this!
Paula Myers
I'd love to win.
My daughters saw this movie with their Grandma & have been so excited for the rest of our family to see it. Thanks for the giveaway!
I haven't seen this movie but I heard about it! I don't typically buy movies...we mostly get them as gifts. So this would be a fun treat.
Thank you! My daughter loves Merida. She was Merida for Halloween.
I would be so excited if I could give win this to gift to my daughter. Merida is her favorite princess. Thanks :)
Shared here https://twitter.com/Differjean/status/266745725713530880
That pizza looks DELICIOUS!
Just wanted you to know that I appreciate you having this giveaway and letting everyone have a chance at this--I have 4 little ones that really want to see this-- again thanks
Loved this movie! Thanks for the chance to win
bergiejrfhe at yahoo dot com
I shared this on FB---here--https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001864465639--under Mike Davis
This is a fantastic movie!
This movie looks so good!
great movie I heard, would love to see it
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
At Halloween I saw quite a few little Meridas, they were so cute!
I want to see this movie.
i have an etsy seller making a peasant dress styled after merida for our disney trip in january for my 7 yera old. its going to be a very BRAVE christmas!
what a great giveaway! we would sooo love to find this under the tree on christmas morning!
ps i shared with my over 50100 twitter :
(really hoping i win but hopefully yo'ull get some good traffic)
Merida is my daughter's new favorite princess. I'd love to win this for her. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I haven't seen this, but it looks amazing. Thank you for the chance to win it!
thanks for the giveaway
have a wonderful day
Thanks for the giveaway!
My daughter is so excited for this movie! She hasn't stopped talking about since we saw it in theaters!
You are right...this would make an excellent xmas present for my kids!
following on gfc w/ katklaw777
Thanks for the giveaway
I would love to win this giveaway for my niece. Thanks for the chance.
I shared the giveaway on Twitter: https://twitter.com/H3artonF1r3/status/266925645802659840.
My GFC name is phalligan1.
The kids would love this for Christmas. Thanks
I would love this movie!! My kids love watching a movie during their 'break' in homeschool!!!
It looks like you all really know how to have a movie night. One of our favorite family things is to have what my kids call a 'popcorn/movie party'. I would really like to win this because I love Disney movies.
ayed2016 at aol dot com
I follow via GFC- ape2016
and I shared on FB:
and my rafflecopter email is ayed2016 at aol dot com
My daughter would love it
love this movie!
We haven't seen this yet. Thanks for the great giveaway!
P.S.- GFC: Holly S., tweeted here: https://twitter.com/HollyStormEtsy/status/266954367494676481
I haven't seen Brave yet, but my dd did and loves it! Thanks for the chance!
My grand-daughters love Brave! The littlest even has a Brave Bow and Arrows set.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
I can't wait to see brave!
tweet: https://twitter.com/pauline15/status/266959352601137153
What a wonderful movie! I'd love to be able to watch it anytime. Thank you for the chance!
I tweeted
Shared on facebook
My kids would LOVE this!
I shared on Twitter- https://twitter.com/Trasina/status/266974883957850113
And my GFC name is Trasina McGahey
My daughter saw this movie at the theater with a friend's family. My son & I never got to see it...and we wanted to. I'd love to win the DVD!
I follow on GFC as Aunt Maggie Rocks.
Maggie Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com
I'd love to win for my nephews!
Maggie Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com
I tweeted:
Maggie Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com
Loved this movie - thanks for the chance!
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/kcoud33/status/266980924535762944
I haven't seen this movie yet it would be great to win.
tweet https://twitter.com/phxbne/status/266943316950654976
We didn't get the chance to see this in theatres so I am so excited for the dvd release!
GFC:Mechele Johnson
Rafflecopter name:Mechele JOhnson
I have been dying to see this movie! I would love to see how disney does with a new princess!
My daughter would love this
Thank you for this giveaway. I just love Disney movies. They've done such a great job of producing fabulous movies for kids and family!
Oh, and I'm Lagean on the rafflecopter!
This is one we have been wanting to see for a while.
My daughter was Merida for Halloween! Would love to give her this :)
My family hasn't seen this yet but we'd love to!
annae07 at aol dot com
My husband and I took our granddaughter to see this and loved it so much. I would love to own it to add to our collection.
We haven't seen this yet and my daughter keeps asking me for it :)
I really enjoyed this movie. I thought the whole 'princess not needing a prince' thing was an important step for Disney. I would love to win this giveaway!
Fingers crossed I would love to win this movie for my kids for Christmas!!
I tweeted https://twitter.com/bmiller03/status/267040482989846528
I've never seen this movie but I've heard it is good. Would make a good stocking stuffer!
davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted.
davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com
Awesome giveaway! I really love this movie :-)
I followed You on GFC as name: Fiona N, and shared this giveaway on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ciao6211/status/267047453818236928
Thank You So Much for the chance
Fiona N
Thank you for the giveaway! I am entering as Elena
elena150980 at yahoo dot com
my daughter would love this
hebb dot julie at gmail dot com
hebb dot julie at gmail dot com
We are going to get to see our Grandkids over Thanksgiving, we haven't seen them since June -- and they want to see this so badly, it would be FABulous if I could win it to take w/us!!!(HollyC) Thanks for the chance...
i saw this at the theater with my daughter! Would love to own it! thanks for the chance!
I have been wanting to see this movie forever!
I can not wait to see this movie!!
suebunting1977at(gmail)dot(com) This movie is on our must see list!
Thanks for the opportunity! I'd love to share this with my daughter. I also tweeted:
I loved this movie and I would love to give this to my nieces
I haven't seen this movie yet.I think it's great that it comes with so many discs.I'd share them with my daughter and neices.God Bless you for saving movies for special occasions.I watch TV daily and movies sometimes.I've become addicted to entering giveaways.Lol!
Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway! :)
We saw this in the theater but I missed most of it because I was in the hall with my loud baby. The other Lisa loved it though so this would be awesome to win! Thanks for the chance!
Beckeesdeals at gmail dot com
We really want to see this movie. It looks like a great family movie wilcarvic
This movie comes highly recommended by my sister and her family. Can't wait to see it!
We saw at the movies and loved it
I've wanted to watch this movie with my daughter SO badly!
Also, I tweeted. :) https://twitter.com/KsWifeZsMama/status/267126262672273408
Oh! And my GFC name is Shannon Foust!
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