School is now in Session

As a lot of you know, I am home schooling my oldest son this year. It was a quick change of plans and the other two are still attending the private school
(which we still LOVE by the way!). The 3rd grade curriculum just didn't fit what we wanted for Cameron Skyler. So, we got busy switching gears!
This past week the two of us have been
creating a school corner just for him. I am the parent but apparently my 8 year old knows more about hammers and nails than I do. First we assembled a cube bookcase. He took charge of this project and comforted me through my pathetic fits of
throwing the instructions across the room and muttering under my breath about the
"stupid people" who write these instructions.
Cameron's words exactly, "it's okay just need to go slower and be a bit more patient!". Umm, wow. Yes, apparently our roles were reversed during this project. Buying furniture from Target, with all the pieces compacted into a neat heavy box wasn't as painless as I had hoped! BUT! I actually did have such a fun time trying something new and I absolutely LOVED every minute of my one-on-one time with my oldest son.

We also transformed an ordinary pegboard into a contemporary bulletin board to display his work and hang some school utensils.
A big warm thank you to
Chris at Just a Girl for sharing her ideas on this pegboard and more! Visit her blog, she has incredible ideas that don't stop. :)
She has propelled me to action and I am enjoying every second of it.
I am thriving on blogs right now because I get inspired to do something with every blog I visit!
-First I bought some pegboard at Lowes and had them cut it down
- Then my
extra cool husband sanded it down for me a bit
- Cameron and I painted it navy blue
-And added the white dots using the paint can lids for a stencil
-We used bull-nosed clips as Chris suggested to hang the artwork and finished papers on.
-We used nuts and bolts to attach them to the pegboard.
{Wow! I actually used nuts and bolts!}
By the way, look at Cameron's handwriting...he has better penmanship than I do and he is eight...
Now the fun part of decorating and organizing!
*too cute* stapler and tape dispenser are from
Pottery Barn Kids.
(An elephant for the tape and alligator for the staples)
Fun toys for little breaks between homework.
...and more books
School Supplies all twirled into recycled food cans and peanut butter jars.

His complete school curriculum....busy year ahead.
Getting this in the mail was super exciting!
I lined his whole desk with a roll of paper to use as "scrap paper" when he needs it.
I am still on the look out for a nice DESK to finish off this corner! I want something unique with character. I will keep you updated on my find.
Cameron Skyler is super happy to start off his 3rd Grade learning.
You can click on this photo (and any photo actually) to enlarge it.
I pray blessings over the school year for all 3 of my bright-eyed boys.
Education is so important.
For more Works For Me Wednesday ideas,
click here.
I am also linking to Homeschool Happenings
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree
and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
-Abraham Lincoln