Capturing each moment at my parents for the holidays...

The house is dressed in holiday glam

Christmas Eve always has a buffet of holiday cookies.

We recite Luke 2 and sing carols on the Night before Christmas.
My brother and my Dad play a little "Joy to the World" duet
(in a very cute beginner-y type of way!) ;)

The first gift unwrapped is on Christmas Eve,
and it's always a pair of jammies.
This year a little stuffed animal was tucked into the box as well.
and it's always a pair of jammies.
This year a little stuffed animal was tucked into the box as well.

Skyler reads a Christmas story to his brothers
before the LONG night starts.
(My little boys are just SO darn cute!) :D

My parents have a tradition of
hiding a stuffed animal in the boys' sleeping bags
every Christmas Eve!

An array of shiny packages and bows awaits the morning hours.
The elves arrange them all under the tree upstairs while the boys try to sleep downstairs.

Breaking for a hot breakfast of
homemade sweet rolls
with a candy and gingerbread table.
You can click photo to enlarge.
(and yes, a WHITE Christmas!)
homemade sweet rolls
with a candy and gingerbread table.
You can click photo to enlarge.
(and yes, a WHITE Christmas!)

And the table transforms a bit
for Christmas Prime Rib Dinner...
for Christmas Prime Rib Dinner...

My Mom's whimsical little centerpiece.

Happy Sweet Christmas!

MOORE Christmases past:
2014 Cozy Christmas at Home
2013 Radiantly Grand Finale of the Year: Christmas Day
2012 Christmas Day, Abundant Joy
This post is linked to: Blackberry Vine Pretty Packages Party, Tablescape Thursday, It's So Very Cheri, DIY Showoff, Tip Junkie, , Show and Tell
DIY Day, Today's Creative Blog , Works for Me Wednesday