Tuesday, July 3, 2012

MooreMinutes on Design Dazzle blog today!

I'm sharing today over at Design Dazzle INSTEAD of here!  
So click on over to see the details 
on our 
Summer Sticker Surprises Reward System! 

Design Dazzle has been hosting a summertime blog event:
Summer Camp,  
featuring different bloggers (including yours truly!) ;)
 as we each share a series of super fun ideas 
we can do with our little people this summer season.


I've always been a big fan of Design Dazzle.  
They share treasures of beautiful photos and ideas 
with us on how to enhance the lives of our children!

Thank you Design Dazzle for the opportunity to post on your blog today.

Comments are closed on this post,
 instead you can visit the post at Design Dazzle!
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