yes, lets!
Regret happens so easily. Regret is caused several ways but one common form of regret is dreams left unfulfilled.
It BEGINS with a tiny flash of inspiration, ideas start to mix in our heads, we entertain and grow those thoughts until we have created a dream within the walls of our hearts. We may hold them quietly or we may declare them to this whole little-big world (as I like to do) ;) but either way, most of us have them...and that is a GOOD & BEAUTIFUL thing! Dreams breathe life into our steps, they are the force of wind that give us wings and prevent us from becoming lukewarm and stale.
But, unrealized dreams sometimes end in regret. Regret feels so permanent, so final, and sometimes hopeless. If we realize AHEAD of time that the precious dreams we cling to will END with regret if we don't take action then maybe we would ACT on our dreams with more fervor and replace the wishing and dreaming with DOING. We should live our lives with a "regret prevention" mindset. Some regret is normal and necessary for growth in our full circle of life but a lot of regret is negative baggage that CAN BE PREVENTED by replacing our apathy with ambition.
Be a magic maker!
So many times we make excuses for our unmet dreams, we blame, or we drag our toes in self pity because we are waiting for "the perfect time". Those attitudes are useful for nothing. So stop that silly stuff, chin up, and start living. Take action in spite of the excuses. After all, our "dreams won't work unless we do".
Once we start cultivating habits of action that produce beauty in our lives, it will give instant joy to our lives and to those around us. The energy from that joy will fuel our spirits to jump up and dream and do more! And then...ta da...our normal little life becomes a happy little life!
Remember, dreams don't happen and beauty doesn't appear unless you rise up, take action, and MAKE THEM HAPPEN. And the best part of it all is that we are each fully capable of making most of our dreams happen! Humans are a magnificent mystery of talent and ability. Never underestimate what you're capable of.
Of course there will be bad days, difficult seasons, trials that test us, and miserable heartbreaks along the way. I've experienced plenty of all and I still wrestle with extremely difficult battles in my daily life. But that is simply part of the full circle of life on earth. Those times are necessary to give us the will, ability, and character to create the beautiful moments!
Dreams are proof of hope. Never let any trial rob you of the treasure of hope. To kindle the flame, I'm a goal-setter and list-maker! Last year I showed you a post on my REVERSE BUCKET list. I was reflecting back on my first 30 years of life and I made a list of 30 things I ALREADY did before I was 30.
click on image to be directed to that list and post
At the closing of that post I promised to deliver a list of 30 things I wanted to do AFTER I was 30! I recently turned 30 and boom, boom, pow. I completed that list! :)
Some things on this list are silly and little, simply symbols of enjoying the small things in life.
Other things seem boldly out of reach but worthwhile dreams usually are!
I may not accomplish all of these, but I will have fun trying,
because that means I'm living.
My {30 things to do after 30} Bucket List
1. Be able to water ski well again. Done!
2. Explore Europe.
3. Be married for handfuls of decades! 2 decades down!
4. Watch my boys grow and always encourage them to be true to who THEY are. Doing!
5. Dye my hair a crazy color. Done! January 2020 chopped and dark red for a surprise sexy stranger date!
6. Climb a 14er in the great state of Colorado. Done!
7. Go on an overnight mountain bike ride, reaching destinations by my own power, not a car's power.
8. Start and own a successful business. Doing!
9. Spend a million dollars all at once. (yes, I'm serious...I said spend it all at once not save it) ;)
11. Write a book.
12. Go to a Celine Dion concert. Done!
13. See Amy Grant because she has written a lifetime of simple moments through song. Done!
14. Always cultivate a grateful spirit and thank God for his mercies that He makes new every morning.
15. Be the best wife I can be to my husband by being his helper and teammate and never seeking self-gratification.
16. Build a dream home with all the details OR buy a loft that hangs over a colorful city.
17. Tour super cool US cities: Seattle, San Fransisco Done!, Charleston, Boston, Vancouver Done!, Nashville Done! , New Orleans Done!, and New York City!
18. Buy a boat to remind us where we came from (Lake Powell) and to remember to stop and play. Done!! (bought jet skis and rent boats often).
19. Run some sort of race that requires all my mental strength to complete...something that pushes me beyond my limits. (DONE!! I ran a half marathon in spring 2014, and another half in 2015, a full in 2015!!! AND another another marathon NYE 2020 solo! And completed a running goal to run every single day in 2020, didn’t miss a day!!)
20. Be financially able to bless people back who have blessed us when we experienced times of need. To all those ministering angels from our past, your goodness is never forgotten.
21. Fully recover from a personal struggle that I battle daily.
22. Live a life of being an inspiration to people (including public speaking) and also ALWAYS allowing myself to be inspired by people...never losing my sense of wonder.
23. Lose weight: a classic on "the list" but necessary. Done!
24. Do something entirely out of my natural comfort zone. Done! I went sky diving October 2014!
25. Continue to live this life with my family five as a team, making many memories with unique experiences! Doing!
26. Learn to keep a better house cleaning schedule so I can be that adorable little housewife with a tidy home!
27. Read more classic books.
28. Vacation at Prince Edward Island to bring to life my Anne of Green Gables childhood dreams.
29. Experience different cultures, their lifestyles and their food.
30. Remember to live a life on purpose.
And as most are aware, I'm a picture-taker-girl!
I experience life capturing minutes on camera.
As I've heard before...
"photograph each day so we could live forever".
So I continue to snap moments of beauty and of life
as I forever hold tiny little dreams
of whimsical adventure in my heart.
And I thank my lucky stars
for this life that God designed for us.

This post is linked to: Under the Table & Dreamin, Nifty Thrifty, Seasonal Sundays, Met Monday, Making the World Cuter, Tuesday Tutorials and Tips, HOMEWORK: Be Inspired, Tasty Tuesday, Tempt My Tummy, Tip Junkie, Get Your Craft On, DIY Design, Works for Me Wednesday, Blue Cricket Design, Organize and Decorate Everything, Celebrations at Home,Transformation Thursday, House of H, Tablescape Thursday, Show off Your Stuff, Strut Your Stuff, 36th Ave Show and Share Day, Foodie Friday, Frugal Friday, I'm Lovin It, Tickled Pink, Friday Flair, Design Dazzle, Be Different Act Normal, Funky Junk Interiors, Weekend Wrap Up DIY by Design
I just wanted to drop by and say that I loved your post! I have been thinking the same thing lately about dreaming but NOT doing. I am working on changing that in my own life, too. I hope you have a great day!
Loved the post..No truer words..Have a wonderful week..
I loved reading your list. What a window into you. {{HUGS}} Mom
Oh my, an Anne of Green Gables fan? And Prince Edward Island? I'm right with you girl!! ;)
Noticed you crossed #10 off your list, so what's next?
I am printing out every quote and and truly working on staying off the computer so I can live my real life - the one that truly counts!I think it is time for me to make a bucket list! Maybe we can do #1 together at Lake Powell! (I skied for the first time in 15+ years last year...I was PROUD that I got up on one after all that time - had to impress the hubby and kids!)
Fun post! Fun list!! -Brandi
You can cross #15 off your list too, babe. I literally cannot imagine a better wife. The way that you support me allows me to work at being my best. Without you, there is no me.
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