My husband and I BOTH just turned 30 this week. Our house sparkled with hints of celebration, but this year I didn't do a party table. I did a party... ummm, bed. OH yes, a party bed. I just had to remind my my husband that I officially joined the dirty thirty club. OH MY.
So he may need to UP his MoJo to keep up with ladies in their prime. A Mojo Bar for my baby!
I know I share EVERYTHING here in this little-big online world,
but I probably won't share anymore of my other creative party bed ideas.
Soooo, that's all she wrote on this topic loves.
The boys wanted to surprise their Dad too with some birthday CHEER.
We delivered 30 neon party balloons to Chris at work.
Kotah had to hide in the back of the car because the balloons consumed all the space!
Just a itty bitty hint for any of you who want to buy neon balloons: They're so different, so pretty, so fun, so freaking awesome...and so terrible! They pop very easily and don't last well at all. I went against the advice of the florist and did it anyway. Bad idea. If you're considering putting helium in neon colored balloons, you may want to reconsider.
Ready to surprise Dad with a party cluster!
Happy 30th Birthday!
And now, dropping down to a serious level...
Dear Christopher,
I know I've told you before how much you mean to me, over and over again, but I wonder if you realize that I still feel that way, but with greater intensity with each year.
Every day and every year I love you and admire you like crazy but this year I feel particularly grateful for you. I've always been that "strong girl". That attribute is what drew you to me. You've said that my inner strength, independence, and confidence was what was most attractive to you. And for all these years that we've spent together, you've seen that independent strength in action, during times of bliss and times of trouble.
But then this year happened, the year where I've been totally different than the girl I usually am. And personal physical battles I've faced have weakened me from the inside out. My strong spirit folded, enveloped within walls of doubt.
BUT, you're always there, telling me that I'm still that "strong girl". I wonder why you think that, but your authoritative, solid voice provides reassurance to my questioning mind. Your confidence in me never wavers --- never. I'm grateful to you, this year especially, because you've stepped up, holding the foundation in place when I've crumbled a bit inside. You've firmly but gently stooped down to circle my arm around your neck, helping me walk when my legs buckle. You are my stability when my thoughts are circling. You are my order in the midst of my chaos. You offer resolve and answers. I've rested in your arms, allowing you to be my ONLY. This is coming from your "strong girl" who isn't feeling much strength. You were attracted to my confidence yet you are immediately there to hold me up when that confidence has weakened.
I'm grateful to have a man who constantly believes in who I am and consistently loves me with the insane amount of passion that you love me with! You adore me and that's all this girl really every wanted. Yes, I'm entirely grateful to you for showing me YOU. Because the YOU I know is incredible. You are my main squeeze, the one I respect more than anyone.
Now I realize that this birthday message is a little different that this one about how super cool you are or this one about who you are to your family. This one is more about my gratitude to you and how you've helped ME. This message isn't so light and feathery-cheerful. But, I'm still your giddy, happy girl so tuck that promise into your heart! {wink}
It is important to me that I paused for a moment to tell you that you're simply the best. And soon, when I conquer this thorn in my side, I'll be that strong girl again who you married. In the meantime, thank you. Thank you for never once doubting me.
Happy Birthday Christopher.
Always and forever I have a giveaway going on! Click HERE to easily enter for the hottest new ebook, THAT WORKS FOR ME, with over 800 household tips.

This post is linked to: Jennifer Rizzo Spring Link up Under the Table & Dreamin, Nifty Thrifty, Seasonal Sundays, Met Monday, Making the World Cuter, Tuesday Tutorials and Tips, HOMEWORK: Be Inspired, Tasty Tuesday, Tempt My Tummy, Tip Junkie, Get Your Craft On, DIY Design, Works for Me Wednesday, Blue Cricket Design, Organize and Decorate Everything, Transformation Thursday, House of H, Tablescape Thursday, Show off Your Stuff, Strut Your Stuff, 36th Ave Show and Share Day, Foodie Friday, Frugal Friday, I'm Lovin It, Tickled Pink, Friday Flair, Design Dazzle, Be Different Act Normal, Funky Junk Interiors, Weekend Wrap Up DIY by Design
Awwwww...I can't believe you guys are 30! You look like spring chickens!
Congratulations to you both! Those balloons are really cool!
Thank you Lisa. I needed this post. The hardest thing about being forever one with a strong woman is knowing when to step up and when to step back.
Strong people struggle too. It's a fact. It is in the hard times when life peels away the fluff and shows us beauty in places we would not have been able to look before. The peeling process hurts and it leaves people feeling exposed and sensitive. And it is at these most sensitive times when you really get to see what is in someone. You know what is in you Lisa? Love. Lots of it. You think you can't find the strength to do things that you think are important, but you instinctively stop to consider Cameron's feelings regarding which JiuJitsu class he should attend. You think you can't find the strength to complete projects that you hoped to have done months ago, but you ponder how Kotah is going to feel about challenges with school. You think you can't find the strength to pursue relationships that might be valuable, but you naturally stop to consider the effort that your mom put into our Birthday's. I could go on and on with examples of how much love, compassion, caring and wisdom are inside of you because you show these things daily, even during your darkest hours. It takes amazing inner strength and character to do the things you do every day. And it takes even more strength to do them amidst personal struggles.
Do you know why men get married? You might think the answer is at the top of this post, but it isn't ;-) . God tells us in Gensesis that it was not good for man to be alone. So God created a companion for that man. Men get married because we innately feel the need for companionship. To experience God's beautiful earth alone is to not really experience it at all. Sharing it with someone is what makes it special. In my case, God did me one better by giving me a companion that inspires me. I have never met, read about, heard of, or seen a person that inspires me more than you do, Lisa. I can't even begin to list here all the things I have learned from you because it would be much too long a list for blogger to post. But I can tell you that seeing you move through life while in personal crisis is one of the most inspiring things I have ever witnessed.
I love that God put me in a marriage where I can be a companion to a strong woman in a time of need. There is never a moment where I would trade us for anything different. The seasons of life are short. As much as it hurts now, I promise that this difficult season will come to pass too. Someday we will be standing together, holding hands, looking out at a beautiful sunset and be incredibly grateful for the togetherness we have shared during times of struggle. Until then, let me be a leaning post for your weary body. Just don't fault me if I don't let you pull away when you feel strong enough to journey on.
Happy Birthday to you too BlueEyes. Let's face this new decade together.
Happy birthday to two of my favorite "blogger" people! I have loved watching and reading about you, two...and your family. You are an inspiration to so many.
May this beginning of a new decade...the 30 filled with wonder, love, devotion, creativity, family, strength, weakness (yes, I said "weakness"'s part of the growing process that you will need as you enter your future decades.).
Chris, your letter to Lisa is so filled with love. Thank you for sharing your heart...
Love to you both!
That was so sweet-Happy birthday to you hubby and I turned 40 this past year...what do we call that decade?!
Happy Birthday to you young little people! It looks like quite a celebration. Love that your hubby finds and brings out the best in you, you can't ask for more!
Touching post and response back to you from Chris. You two are both so full of love and support to one another and it makes my heart happy. You are indeed very strong, regardless to how you feel at times. Your strength is so natural that I think sometimes you can't see it. We all go through weak times, that's a promise but because you are so strong, you will get through it, just like everything else. Happy Birthday to you both!
Gosh!!! Fabulous photography! I saw your thumbnail over at "Blue Cricket Desgin".
Hi, I'm Jaime. I run a blog called The Dress-up Drawer and I was just passing through. Love your site!
I have a great giveaway going on right now for a personalized platter from The Southern Belle Boutique and just thought it might interest you. Thanks for letting me say hi!
Totally Perfect!!! I'd love to have you share at my JUST opened!!!
XO, Aimee
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