Monday, April 18, 2011

Dear Christopher, I wonder if you have any idea...

It's my husband's 29th birthday and I wanted to give him some public lovin.

He may think the only reason I like him is because he is so good at providing for his family and making it possible to save for retirement for me to keep shopping at Pottery Barn.

But there's more,
I am crazy about this boy...

There. I think I just saved $5 that would have gone toward a Hallmark card.

I wrote more sappy reasons (with photos) about why my main squeeze is super amazing on his birthday post last year.

Hey that I've peppered you with compliments will you take me out to dinner?

Happy 29th Birthday
You have my heart.


Shelly said...

That was really sweet. Happy Birthday to your hubby!

Unknown said...

What a great way to say Happy Birthday. So sweet and sincere. Hope you both have a wonderful day.

caveman said...

This post made my day Lisa :-D Thank you!!! It's a good thing you don't know how easy it is being your husband. No guy anywhere has it better! Yesterday (your birthday!) was one of the best days I ever had. It was a welcome reminder that time with you is my most valuable asset.

Kate said...

Dear Lisa

Your beautiful marriage is such an inspiration to all. Happy birthday to both of you.


Jane said...

Awww....How very loving! Chris is very lucky to have a wife who loves him like you do....and you are extremely fortunate to have a husband who loves you like he does...

Happy birthday to you both! and may you both have many, many more years of loving each other...and those wonderful boys.
Jane (artfully graced)

Kelly @ Make It Sparkly Mama said...

I love how much you love your husband, truly an inspiration!

ShanaM said...

That was sweet!!

gv said...

Very sweet, happy birthday Christopher!

Stacey said...

What a fantastic post!!!

foreverdecorating said...

This is about the coolest thing I have ever seen! So sweet and so meaningful.

Victoria said...

So sweet! Happy birthday to your main man:) said...

Sweet!! Happy Birthday to your main squeeze ;)


Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Chris. What a wonderful post . . . and you saved $5.00 !

Michelle said...

Happy birthday to your hubby!