Whatever opens your heart
to grace and fun...

beautifully unique in the office...

Whatever new and fresh LBD inspiration
you can dream up...
Whatever fuels your sense of adventure while
still giving you a girly spirit...

Whatever captures your vintage style,
while you flirt using wholesome charm...

and on top of the world in a completely different way...

Whatever embraces femininity,
whatever celebrates our unique passions,
whatever is a refreshing style statement,
whatever is stunning....
all of that is Shabby Apple.
Each dress is an experience
waiting for you.
waiting for you.
Shabby Apple just unveiled their newest Spring 2011 line, Roamin' Holiday. This Italian inspired collection celebrates the beauty and grace of fashion with the same quality Shabby Apple has always delivered.
I have been a longtime fan of Shabby Apple dresses. I was passionately in love the moment I found their website last year. I remember showing my husband nearly every single dress I found! Because of that, this giveaway makes my heart do those little butterfly flutters.
Shabby Apple clothing has been seen in Lucky, Glamour, and O Magazine. I have a sweet treat for my lovely readers! Shabby Apple is generously giving away one of their dresses from this new line. The winner can choose between the DaVinci or the Spanish Steps.

DaVinci pictured left: brings comfort casual to your wardrobe mixing the classic soft sweatshirt with delicate puff sleeves.
Spanish Steps pictured right: a graceful mix of classic beauty paired with intricate loveliness, making you feel like a star.

It's easy to enter to win one of these Shabby Apple dresses:
Simply leave a comment on this post. Tell me what makes you feel beautiful! ;) And you're in for the win.
If you REALLY want to win, here's an EASY way to get extra entries:
1) Become a follower of Moore Minutes.
2) Share about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter
3) Like Shabby Apple on facebook
(please leave a separate comment for each additional entry)
The fine print goodies:
The winner must have a US shipping address.
There will be no exchanges on the winning dress.
The giveaway will close 4-17-2011, with the winner announced the following week.
The winner will be selected using Random.org
I was contacted by Shabby Apple to host this giveaway but all opinions are strictly my own. I am an affiliate with Shabby Apple but I only partner with companies who I am truly passionate about!

Moore Minutes readers get 10% off their order this month from Shabby Apple! Your special coupon code is: mooreminutes10off
Soooo, GO!
Make YOUR day
and buy a little lovely for yourself
to feel pretty in this spring!

And leave your comment
easily and quickly below to WIN.
Someone has to win...it may just be YOU!
and buy a little lovely for yourself
to feel pretty in this spring!

And leave your comment

easily and quickly below to WIN.
Someone has to win...it may just be YOU!

This post is linked to: Making the World Cuter, LambAround, Tatertots and Jello, Show and Share Day, Lovin It, Friday Favorites, Blog Hop on Thursday, Show off Your Stuff, Tip Junkie, Someday Crafts, Show N Tell, Works for Me Wednesday, Topsy Turvy
1 – 200 of 258 Newer› Newest»My husband always makes me feel beautiful! He compliments me all the time. :)
arizonarachel at hotmail dot com
I really want to win, so!
I'm a GFC follower!
arizonarachel at hotmail dot com
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/rachelroland/status/55022894329245696
arizonarachel at hotmail dot com
I like Shabby Apple on FB (Rachel Roland)
arizonarachel at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the opportunity!
These dresses are fabulous! Thanks for posting them. I'm now a follower of your blog and Shabby Apple on facebook!
satichenor at gmail dot come
Doing my hair makes me feel beautiful, and some days just putting on a little makeup does great things for me!
I also Like Shabby Apple on FB
My husband and my kids make me feel beautiful. He asks me all the time how he got so lucky to be married to such a pretty woman! My oldest told me just the other day that she hopes she looks just like me when she grows up. LOVE them!
I'm your newest follower!
I like shabby Apple on facebook!
Seeing how beautiful my teenage daughter has become makes me finally feel beautiful like hubby has told me for years.
forgot my email
margohay at grandecom .net
Love following your blog and def love this fun giveaway! Nothing makes me feel beautiful quite like a new dress!
I like shabby apple on facebook!
I feel beautiful after a good workout!
I follow MM
I like shabby apple on fb
I feel beautiful after a nice long run (maybe because it makes me feel strong, and strong makes me feel beatuiful??)
larkspurpurple (at) gmail.com
I am a follower of Moore Minutes.
larkspurpurple (at) gmail.com
Love love love shabby Apple!!
Getting dressed up for a date with my hubby always makes me feel beautiful
Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/PurpleLarkspur/status/55046655740874752
larkspurpurple (at) gmail.com
Love a pretty dress! :)
I follow MM
I like Shabby Apple on fb
my husband makes me feel beautiful
i follow on gfc
i follow shabby apple on FB
I am old, gray, overweight and wrinkled...and when my husband winks at me I FEEL ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!
These dresses are glorious. I'm glad you have some of them...I'm sure you look like a dream in them.
Thanks for the fun chance!
AND I am a long time follower of your blog.
I love Moore Minutes! I use Google Reader to view it.
I like Shabby Apple on Facebook.
I feel beautiful when I've got on a great pair of heels!
avinson1210 (at) hotmail (dot) com
So stunning...each one...Would be great for Easter!
I feel beautiful when I am wearing a flirty dress and high heel shoes...and a dash of perfume.
When my college age daughter's friends tell me I don't look old enough to be her Mom (ha!). Not true, but nice to hear!
Love Shabby Apple
follower of Moore Minutes!
Tweeted about the giveaway
Like Shabby Apple on facebook
I feel beautiful when my little girls give me a hug first thing in the morning and tell me that I'm so beautiful in all my PJ, bedhead, no make-up glory :)
ruricloth at yahoo dot com
I'm following you via GFC (Ruri)!
ruricloth at yahoo dot com
I like Shabby Apple on FB (Lui Bright)!
ruricloth at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower.... wait a second... YOU are GIVING AWAY a dress on YOUR BIRTHDAY!?!?! Lisa, Sweetheart, I think you have this Birthday thing backwards. You see Babe, you are supposed to ask for YOUR OWN Shabby Apple dress ;-)
Regardless, I clearly remember the night you discovered Shabby Apple. You showed me every dress on the website. At that time I would have never guessed you would have your own Shabby Apple coupon code!
I feel beautiful when my man smiles at me :) Or I am visiting an LDS Temple :)
I'm a public follower of Moore Minutes via GFC :)
Posted this on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=215692485115009&id=163664496987155
Tweeted this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=215692485115009&id=163664496987155
Blogged this giveaway: http://ashleycreations-a.blogspot.com/2011/04/shabby-apple-dress-giveaway-ends-0417.html
These dresses are beyond fabulous! They make me want to run off to Europe with a wardrobe full of gorgeous dresses. Freshly washed hair makes me feel casually beautiful.
I feel beautiful everytime my man kisses me and everytime my one-year old caresses my face tenderly!
Following moore minutes now!
My husband makes me feel beautiful!
I follow MM!
I liked Shabby Apple on facebook! Thanks for the giveaway!
There really is nothing like a pretty fitting dress and sexy heels!
I follow Moore Minutes.
I like Shabby Apple on FB for sure!
Shared it on FB.
I feel beautiful when I'm wearing a new dress ;)
PS: Love your blog AND Shabby Apple.
My husband makes me feel beautiful!! And I agree with him when I'm in a dress :)
Confidence makes me feel beautiful :)
~Ilsa marqilsa@yahoo.com
I just became a follower to the blog ;)
~Ilsa marqilsa@yahoo.com
And.... I "liked" Shappy Apple on Facebook. ID is Marquez_Fam
~Ilsa marqilsa@yahoo.com
Who knew Shabby could be so Chic ?
Hey, bring Chris with you Saturday. Maybe he and the boys might like to hike the hill, or play on the merry-go-round, etc. while we peruse educational materials.
Dress number 2 is soooo cute! The DaVinci dress is very desirable also. I've seen Shabby Apple mentioned a few times. They do have very nice dresses. I recently did a fun post about dresses. Dresses are my preferred attire! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I am also a follower!
what makes me feel beautiful is when my hubs tells me i am :)
christinarmoreno (at)gmail (dot) com
i like shabby on facebook
I feel beautiful when my baby smiles up at me =)
I feel beautiful after an intense workout!
and I follow
and I tweeted!
I feel beautiful when my little two year old has told me I'm pretty :)
I "liked" shabby apple on facebook
I posted this giveaway on facebook!
When my husband looks at me and tells me he loves me!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
getting dressed up and spending an evening with my hubs makes me feel beautiful.
yobert7 at gmail dot com
i like shabby apple on facebook
yobert7 at gmail dot com
I'm a follower!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Following Shabby Apple on FB!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I posted your website on Facebook!!
I have invited my friends to check out Shabby Apples website and all the amazing dresses it carries!!
I feel truely beautiful when I go to the salon and get a new color and cut, in addition I feel beautiful to get my nails done and dress up classy. I come home and my boyfriend tells me how radiant and young looking I look! It makes me shine with beauty and feel like the luckiest woman alive!!
I added the "like" to the shabby apple website on facebook!!
I feel beautiful when I'm wearing a dress or skirt. Not only are they more feminine and flattering, but often more comfortable than pants. :)
I liked Shabby Apple on Facebook.
I'm a follower of Moore Minutes.
I shared this giveaway on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/WonderstruckGal/status/55390306287370240
Thanks for the giveaway! Both dresses are gorgeous. :)
I feel pretty when my best friend and husband tells me so!
I am a follower via gfc of your blog!
I follow Shabby Apple on Facebook, I LOVE their dresses!!
I shared on Facebook!
Putting on perfume before going out makes me feel beautiful. It also doesn't hurt if I've put on a dress and makeup. ;)
new follower on gfc.
themottofamily AT yahoo DOT com
Like Shabby Apple on FB.
nothing makes me feel more beautiful than wearing something full-skirted that i can twirl around in. twirling is fun!
thanks for hosting such a great giveaway :)
...i'm also following your site now...
i feel beautiful when I get dressed up and style my hair! :)
Getting dressed up in nice clothes makes me feel beautiful.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Like Shabby Apple on facebook-Rae Pavey
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Ooooh, I really, truly want to win! Eating a healthy piece of fruit, like an organic apple, makes me feel beautiful :)
I feel beautiful when I've had a chance to take a long shower, do my nails, and just pamper myself.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
I'm now a follower of Moore Minutes.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
I like Shabby Apple on facebook.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
I'm a new follower. I feel beautiful on Sunday mornings when I actually fix my hair and put on a dress, and my sweet boys tell me I look pretty.
I gave up Facebook for Lent, so I can't "like" it until then.
I love Shabby Apple in theory--but in practice I've never tried a thing on! I would LOVE to though!
My husband makes me feel beautiful:)
Oh, and I like Shabby Apple on Facebook :)
What makes me feel beautiful is taking care of my body, exercising and eating good for me foods! I just discovered the Shabby apple recently and their dresses are to die for!
I liked the shabby apple on fb!
I became a follower!
i became a follower! i hope i win! i would choose the spanish steps!
kelsieraec (at) gmail (dot) com
i tweeted it :)
kelsieraec (at) gmail (dot) com
Wearing a special necklace that my daughter gave me makes me feel beautiful.
maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net
I'm a follower of Moore Minutes.
maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net
I like Shabby Apple on facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net
I shared this giveaway on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/shala.darkstone/posts/214535468562464
maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net
I LOVE Shabby Apple, though honestly still haven't purchased from them. Their dresses are fab. My husband makes me feel beautiful when he snuggles with me when I'm not feeling cheerful.
i feel beautiful....when wearing dresses!! seriously haha. i always feel extra feminine then!
i like shabby apple on facebook!
Hey Lisa, thanks so much for the advice on the bead board. Your email was more helpful than anything I could ever find on youtube! Also, I love Shabby Apple too. Those are some seriously cute dresses! :)
Blogged about this giveaway:
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I feel beautiful every time my husband looks at me. :)
I'm a fan of shabby apple on facebook!
I'm a new follower of your blog!
Getting my hair done always makes me feel newly beautiful. :)
mysillyeagle (at) gmail (dot) com
I like shabby apple on fb.
mysillyeagle (at) gmail (dot) com
new follower!
mysillyeagle (at) gmail (dot) com
My hubby and 3 sons make me feel beautiful!
Lnmitch (at) gmail (dot) com
I liked Shabby Apple on Facebook!
I feel beautiful when its noon, I haven't showered, I have baby snot all down my shirt-and my husband still tells me how beautiful I am. If I can look beautiful in that situation I must be :)
I Liked Shabby Apple on Facebook
And I now follow Moore Minutes- which I am thrilled about!
I feel beautiful after I get out of the shower. That feeling of cleanliness, mmmmm!
I've been a longtime fan of Shabby Apple on Facebook! (Heathery Hebert)
I feel beautiful when I get ready for the day, put on something cute and do something productive.
I am a new follower of Moore Minutes
I like shabby apple on facebook.
Getting dressed up makes me feel beautiful!
I like Shabby Apple on Facebook. tiffmcdaniel2003@yahoo.com
I'm a new follower!
I also tweeted your giveaway!
Wearing high heels makes me feel beautiful!
I like shabby apple on facebook!
tweeted it!
I like Shabby Apple on fb.
I feel beautiful when my husband tells me so.
OOh i want one of those dresses!
I like shabby apple on FB!
those dresses are gorgeous!
i like them on facebook
Spending a few extra minutes on me before heading out the door makes me feel beautiful... and I'm always skipping the chance to do it!
I follow your blog with GFC!
I like Shabby Apple on FB!
I am 7 months pregnant and though I feel huge - my husband makes me feel beautiful. Even though I am eagerly awaiting being back to my old size he seems to not even care.\
I feel beautiful when I all dressed up and out on the town with my husband AND when I'm out camping with no make-up and just bein' a mom.
I'm a follower of Moore Minutes.
I like Shabby Apple on FB as Tabitha Klucking
Thanks for the chance to win....spring finally arriving makes me feel beautiful!
I liked Shabby Apple on FB!
My husband!
My daughter makes me feel beautiful when she says she is starting to see bits of me in herself
I feel beautiful when my husband says that I look cute- and I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I love wearing pretty skirts and dresses, though!
P.S. I would totally choose Spanish Steps!
I like Shabby Apple on Facebook!
Wearing a dress I love makes me feel beautiful.
I would love to win the Spanish Steps dress. It is so romantic. I feel beautiful when my husband gives me the "I love you" look.
I LIKEed Shabby Apple on Facebook.
already a follower! Love the first 3!! Aren't they as cute as they can be?
Love the Sheep Meadow Dress!
Liz W.
Follow Shabby Apple on FB!
Liz W.
i feel beautiful when I have a great dress on, so winning this giveaway would make me feel gorgeous!
shabby apple facebook fan (sarah hirsch)
I feel beautiful when I have my hair and makeup done and I am wearing something cute!
I follow your blog
I like shabby apple on fb
Strangely enough, I feel beautiful when I'm going for a run, and especially right after I'm finished (I'm a long distance runner). I know it's gross for some people but I always feel so accomplished and knowing that I've worked hard to be able to get those miles in makes me enjoy them and feel beautiful in a way. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity :)
I am a follower of your blog
smilely286 at hotmail dot com
I already follow shabby apple on facebook. Thanks :)
smilely286 at hotmail dot com
My husband and a loose pony-tail.
I like Shabby Apple on facebook.
i feel beautiful when the sun's out.
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
gfc follower kolpin
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
I feel beautiful when I wear exactly what I want, even if it doesn't match.
katelyn.j.stephens at gmail dot com
I like shabby apple on fb!
katelyn.j.stephens at gmail dot com
Having a pregnant belly makes me feel beautiful. Sometimes.... :)
anniegmurdock at gmail dot com
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/heymamawolf1/status/56359943510568960
anniegmurdock at gmail dot com
I like Shabby Apple on Facebook.
anniegmurdock at gmail dot com
I LOVE Shabby Apple dresses. Great giveaway!
I like Shabby Apple on Facebook.
Dressing up makes me feel beautiful
Freshly painted toes make me feel beautiful...it isn't much but it brings out the girly girl in me.
I feel BEAUTIFUL when I get all dolled up to go on a date with my Hubby.
I follow Moore Minutes!
I Like Shabby Apple on facebook but really I LOVE them!!!
I feel beautiful when I'm singing songs with my 3-year-old class and they are singing along with me!
I follow your blog. Thank you for offering such a fabulous giveaway!!
I like shabby apple on fb {martha brown}
I am a new follower of your blog!
I like shabby apple on facebook
Having a good day as a mom - not stressing out, having some me time and no 18 month old meltdowns - makes me feel beautiful!
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