I JUST recently started a new decor project in our master bathroom. I'm doing a French theme with black (of course) and cream with some gold. This is what I have so far {thank you Mom!}.

I would LOVE some more inspiration and ideas on how to finish this French bathroom off. Link me up to some good finds pretty please!
I also want to share this Excellent Book here
(now if I could only start to apply her ideas...)

After writing my WALL post HERE the other day,
I thought I should follow up with some Ballard Design heaven. I still remember the VERY moment I fell head over heels for Ballard Designs. It was a few years ago when a catalog came in the mail. I was up allll night in sheer excitement showing Chris every single thing I loved. Finally, I found a catalog that fit perfectly.
And we all lived happily ever after
(me, Chris, and Ballard).
My current Ballard Designs
Wish List and inspiration
for all of you who are appointing your home with loveliness:
(all photos below property of Ballard Designs website)
Wouldn't these be perfect for my french bathroom?!
Wow, all of this works

Cozy Corner
This is the end of Ballard Design Inspiration for now. And now you know why it's one of my top favorites like I talked about HERE.
Don't forget to share any ideas for decorating my French Bathroom! Thank you
"Taste is a sharpened eye for the beautiful, the interesting, and the unusual - coupled with the talent to apply all of these to one's life." - Eleanor Lambert
I'm so relieved that the glasses made it to you safely! Enjoy!
Hi Lisa!! I love Ballard Designs too...! I say, go to Etsy and put French in the search bar, see what comes up, there are so many talented artists there, perhaps something will inspire you..also if you check my sidebar there is a shop called Dreams of France, maybe there are some items in there that will help with your bathroom! good luck!
So glad we found each other's blogs!
I, too, am a Ballard Designs fan(atic)! :)
Hey! The zinc tags! I carry those in my online store! I had no idea Ballard had them too!
I'm going to tell myself that THEY are copying ME. :)
Yeah.. right. :)
I love all the Frenchy accessories, so lovely!..Christine
Everything looks great, but I wanted to comment that I absolutely love that bookmark. So simple, yet chic.
I also agree that you'll probably find lots of lovely possibilities on Etsy.
Your bathroom is looking so cute!
Pretty inspiration! I love a French theme - I agree with etsy. Good luck! Can't wait to see more!
I Love Ballards...They are always my go to place when I'm doing a redo! I love what you've started! Look forward to seeing your pictures when your done...dj
You are a girl after my own heart! Ballard Designs is my go to as well, every catalog is like a little gift (drives my husband crazy)! Be sure to check out www.heatherbullard.com she has a great blog and a store full of gorgeous things.
Thanks for visiting my blog. After skimming through yours I saw that we both have the Good Housekeeping picture of the little boy in the tub, great taste!
Best wishes,
On a scale from one to ten here is my feelings on each of the items pictured:
Stuff you already have: 10, But you already knew that.
Rugs: 10, Plus they would match our tile perfectly!
Loo sign: 2, I like the everything except the word itself and the bow, but the style is cool.
Hand towels: 5, They would be better if they were cream instead of white.
Zing tags: 10, Now that I know what they are ;)
The "all of this picture": 15, I could actually see that in our bedroom along the wall across from the bed. I want you to order this stuff right now!
Fresh, Fresh: 2, I like this but it wouldn't match the theme you have already started... Maybe in the upstairs bathroom?
Outdoor charm: 10, Love em!
Cozy corner: 6, The chairs are way cool, but the table leg doesn't match anything there. The rest is good though.
Unique bottle: 20, I want you to have this!!
Wire loops: 7, But they are not really my thing.
Wallpaper: 10, Do it!
All in all I rate your decorating style a 10. And let it never be said that your husband doesn't have an opinion. 1610
I love Ballard Designs! And my master bath is done in black, cream and gold! It gets oodles of compliments!
I want to have zinc tags and a french bath too!!! You have excellent taste my friend! enjoy your stat counter!!!
Hi Lisa, I just wanted to thank you for visiting my lil blog and leaving such a sweet message, I love your blog! Goodness I don't even know what to comment on this post it is all so gorgeous, I LOVE your bathroom, we are in the planning stages of redoing ours and have a jacuzzi tub in storage and a ball and claw tub too lol just trying to decide which to use...Your children are absolutely gorgeous and I saw on your profile that you wished you were younger..Amore...your still a bebe :) I became a follower so that I can come back and visit again and again :) Rose
LOVE the blue bottle collection!
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog today:) I too am in love with Ballard. Have you seen the rug with the french poem written on it?? I want it!!
So cute! Love the look you are going for! I am with you on the Ballards love. And you are right, about that Loo sign :)
Take care,
Thanks for visiting my blog -- I love this look and would take any and all of the above!!!
Hi Lisa,
I just saw your note on my blog...thanks. I treasure those Homeschooling days with my boys...
I LOVE Ballard Designs, too, although my decorating style in this home is not French. I do, however, get inspired by much that I see. Recently, in one of the blogs (can't remember whose it was) I saw gift tags made from heavy paper tags from the office supply store, a stamp with a "French letter" and a stamp with the Eiffel Tower (and a fleur de lis). The letter was first stamped onto the tag, then the other. After drying, a damp tea bag was used to "antique" the tag. It was a wonderful idea...might be something you would like to try with your boys...for gift tags.
Jane (artfully graced)
Oops...I meant to leave a note for your dear husband.
Chris, you're a good man. I love how you support Lisa...and how she supports you. Not many husbands would take the time to comment on the decorating ideas...much less encourage your wife to indulge herself. (Mine does...He's a "keeper"!_
Blessings on your marriage and your family.
Jane (Artfully Graced)
Love the decor!!
It looks like you have lots of pictures to help inspire your new look...can't wait to see what else you come up with.
I too love the Ballard's catalog. When I lived in Georgia I would go to the outlet center whenever I was in Atlanta. Heaven!
I am loving your bathroom and also your blog. I really like your school corner too-I am trying to set up one for my preschooler.
-Crystal (Crystal's Craft Spot)
Thank you for stopping by for a visit. I love what you've done in your bathroom so far. I love the look of rolled towels in a French basket nest to the tub. You have lots of great ideas!!
Warm Wishes,
Karen Eileen
So cute! You have a great sense for style and decoration! My step-mom has that same "Loo" sign over her bathroom door, now I know where she got it.
Ohhh, how I looooove to look through Ballards website! I love all those ideas, I also love your school corner, very inspiring:) Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, the Follower part isn't working, but I will be back!!
Loving the look of your bathroom! Keep us updated on the progress. I have got to get to that Ballard's catalog.
Such cute stuff! I love the black and cream theme for your bathroom :)
Hi Lisa! Looks like you are off to a fabulous start...so much great inspiration too!!! Bathrooms are the room that give me the most difficulty with decorating, yours is really looking wonderful!
:) T
Great start to your French inspired bathroom. I am using French accents in my bath also. I found , www.shabbychicpapirskatter.blogspot.com ... she has a lot free French clipart, and I have printed them off and pasted on clear glass jars with lids to hold soap, cotton balls, Qtips, or to frame, etc. Check her blog out.
Your bathroom will look so lovely...i am a fan of black and white....my home is covered in it room to room. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog the other day...so glad you found me...now I have found you and I adore your blog and style sense!
Your bathroom is going to look so good! Can't wait to see the finished product. I absolutely love the mirror from Ballard Design.
Okay, so where has this ballard designs been my whole adult life? ;P
Cute bathroom-- Love those jars!
I have The Loo sign in my bathroom and love it!
BTW would you like to be one of my featured readers? If so send me a email klacustomcreations@comcast.net
Love all things Ballard design.
thanks for stopping by my blog and your sweet comment about my family rules.
I home schooled my daughter when she was in the 4th grade, one of our best years together! She is a freshman in college this year. Enjoy!
Leigh Ann
It's kinda funny cuz my favorite things are your husbands least favorites. I liked the "fresh fresh mirror" and the "Loo" sign made me smile! Ballard design has some great stuff but they are PRICEY! I guess I'll have to forgo the french and stick with the swedish (IKEA) designs ; )
I am not good at dec ideas ... but I am so happy to read about Ballard Designs. I, too, LOVE their catalog and their things. I know your bathroom will turn out great!
Ballard Designs is my favorite catalog too! All of our chandeliers came from there as well as MANY other home accessories. It's so nice when you find a catalog that reflects your personality and style. Each page is a delight!
Hi Lisa.....I have some wallpaper border in my web-shop that you might like....it looks a lot like those two pictures you posted. Here's the web address if you want to take a look:
Your bathroom will look fabulous - I can't wait to see the finished product! And I LOVE that scallop-y mirror in one of the Ballard pics. Of to look for it now.....~K
Soo cute! I can't wait to see it when you are done. =)
My sister has the "LOO" sign - I've always loved it and wanted one for myself!
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