Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Main Squeeze is 28

Chris and I together on his first birthday
of us being Marrieds!

(Sadly, this scanned photo was scratched near my mouth
so I promise I don't have anything on my face *wink*)

From the moment I met Chris he instantly added vibrant color and excitement to my life and it hasn't stopped. He is a man of purpose, passion, and depth and I could not ask for more.

Today I celebrate him.
There is an old,dusty, classic, how-to book for men titled, "A Man of Steel and Velvet". That title always reminds me of Chris because it describes him perfectly. He is the toughest and strongest guy I know {oh guys have a chance against my man!} but he also possesses the depth and gentle wisdom beneath it all.

He is steel.
My ALL-time favorite picture of Chris!

And he is velvet.

My baby is an intense thinker, analytical, quick and sharp...
but mellow with a loud laugh.

The newly married days

He is deeply conservative,
however he has a controversial angle on every issue.

He is a natural charmer and the perfect listener.

He is "down with anything"
and very adaptable.

He is ambitious,
always ready to push himself to a new level of success.
He has provided for our family of 5 in incredible ways,
giving us such a comfortable and fulfilling life.

Something I really APPRECIATE about Chris is his GOAL-SETTING habits! Ever since we have been married he has kept a detailed list of written goals to improve on in life. Somehow he manages to be extra responsible AND still have fun in life all at the same time!

One of my favorite qualities about Chris is what a heart-warming Daddy he is. I smile inside every time I dwell on the special ways he interacts with our three boys.

He is a natural teacher,
patient and calm.

I am constantly amazed every time I witness
the way he teaches and trains our boys.
He is always teaching them life skills
and little boy manners.
Training them to always shovel the driveway when the snow first hits
so "Mama has a clear driveway".

When he's not teaching them,
he is playing with them on the floor with hot wheels and legos...

or wrestling until someone cries {grrrr}

Ocean's Four instead of Ocean's Eleven

He is a crazy kid too...

On Snow Days...

And Hot Days...

And Pretty Much All Days...

But part of that is because he married into a family
who has always been motivated
by engines and action....

My brother, Chris, Me, and our 3 boys

But primarily it's just because
he is a Crazy Spiderman.

helping me decorate up HIGH!

We don't own a ladder of any kind and don't ask me how he gets way up on the roof!

He is the traditional masculine man, not afraid to get dirty, very protective of his family, and aware of his responsibilities of a man. But he has a heart of depth that loves the boys and me so completely.

He's my Steel and Velvet.
My baby has guns

I am SO proud of him! Chris excites me, giving me passion every day. He makes my heart smile always.

What a lucky girl am I to have him as the head of our
home sweet home!

Happy 28th Birthday Lover.
You know I'm on your team,

This post is linked to: Its So Veri Cheri, The Insipred Room, Show and Share Day


The Taffs said...

Happy Birthday to your husband!

Beth@The Stories of A to Z said...

What an awesome tribute to your man. Enjoy this day of celebrating his life!

Becca said...

So cute! How nice for him to be able to read this. I loved it!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Wow, you are such an amazing writer and what a sweet post and tribute to you dear hubby. Happy Birthday! ~Liz =)

Jane said...

What a touching tribute to Chris! He is a good example of what a man should be. You are truly blessed...and Chris is blessed by you...and your boys. (My husband came in as I was reading your post and read over my shoulder...He was touched by what you wrote.)

Happy Birthday, Chris!May your day...and forever be filled with many blessings.

Jane (artfully graced)

Kelly Miller said...

Happy birthday to a man who's lucky to have a woman who loves him so much. Sounds like he is the perfect one for you.

Also, I thought you were a follower too. Love ya either way! :)

Rebecca said...

What a sweet post!

Melissa Miller said...

Lisa what a precious post full of beautiful family photos! Happy Birthday to your hubby! :)

Kat said...

Happy birthday, Chris! I love this post but especially the one of the two of you at the very top.

Ranelle said...

You didn't mention that your husband is a ninja, too!! Love the photo of his "helping you decorate". What a great guy! Hope his day was great.

French Charmed ~ Chelle said...

Bonjour ~ Just wanted to say that you have one lucky husband! It is so refreshing to see how much appreciation and love that you have for your man. Congrats to the lucky two of you! ~ Chelle

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Wishing Chris a belated Happy Birthday! I love it that you teach your children good work ethics and manners. Lisa, you have a wonderful family!!


Jessica Loukota Leimback said...

I have tears in my is so great that you have such love and inspiration for your "man." Your boys will be such great men with the amazing influences they have.

Its So Very Cheri said...

Oh Lisa,
That is such a sweet post. He is lucky to have you too.


Jenny said...

Wow, that post is like poetry.

Happy Birthday to him!

Anonymous said...

such a great post dedicated to your hubby, lots of great pics too!