Monday, May 18, 2009

Giddy Girl

I feel so bubbly and excited! I have those little smiles that dance around a mom's heart when she is proud of her kids. The school year at Life Academy is wrapping up and every year they have a special day called "Student Teacher" day. Two students are chosen from each grade to teach the class for the day. Yes, they have to study lesson plans, give assignments, lead the class, and even give timeouts. ;) The students for each class are chosen based on GRADES and BEHAVIOR. Again, only 2 students are picked per grade out of a classroom of kids....drumroll.....

Titus was chosen for one of the teachers in his Kindergarten class!!!!

BUT, that is not all.....Skyler was also chosen as one of the teachers for his 2nd grade class! We have 2 winners in our home and I am quite possibly more excited than the kids. Sooo, off my little teachers went today to teach school, lesson plans in hand. We studied hard yesterday and I hope they are prepared.

Dakotah said if he was picked for Student Teacher that he would give a lot of time outs! WELL...I'm sure his classmates are breathing easier knowing he isn't a teacher today. ;)

Thank you for letting me spill my giddiness for a few minutes here. Being a parent is tough, but soaking up these times add much joy to parenthood. Smile wide at your little ones, squeeze their soft bodies, skip in circles with them, show them every day that you're their #1 fan and let them amaze you!


Abby Killam said...

this is the cutest thing ever! Good job guys!! oh and I agree with Titus- give lots of time outs ;o) be tuff haha

caveman said...

I am literally giddy looking at this post :D What a perfect family we have, Lover!!

Nancy said...

What a neat idea! That is so cool that the school does that! Congratz! Good looks and brains -your boys have it all!