I whipped up (quite literally because I beat the frosting on super high speed...)
some cAnDYcoRn CuPCakEs.
I saw this idea last year (BHG I believe??) and I've wanted to make them ever since! I've even seen these pop up a little bit on the www this year. They're super fun!
I had this little display set up for my kids to enjoy when they came home from school!

We don't celebrate Halloween in the traditional sense. Though we don't participate, I do SO delight in the adorable children all dressed up with cuddly costumes and painted on button noses that patter around on this celebrated day! And candied apples on a stick are such a treat!
BUT...we do overly obsess over other holidays instead.
I enjoy seeking out the light in life: warm, bright, and happy things. I'm not a fan of the black darkness, tombstones, or grossness (is that a word?!) that Halloween brings. I know it's all in fun but I still haven't seen an attractive skeleton...and monsters freak me out! And I just can't get excited about filling my house with spiderwebs and big black spiders. I have enough of that without intentionally adding more. ;)
I prefer comfort over fright.
Color over dark.
Hope over despair.
Beauty over ugliness.
Fresh life over death.
Smiles with rosy cheeks over blood stains and painted on frowns.
However, if YOU my friends are celebrating, I will gladly share your enthusiasm over your creatively made costumes, or perfectly carved pumpkins as you unwrap another sweet treat to eat!
Color over dark.
Hope over despair.
Beauty over ugliness.
Fresh life over death.
Smiles with rosy cheeks over blood stains and painted on frowns.
However, if YOU my friends are celebrating, I will gladly share your enthusiasm over your creatively made costumes, or perfectly carved pumpkins as you unwrap another sweet treat to eat!
One. More. Thing.
I have always so adored this poem
and wanted to share it with you all as we close the month.
I have always so adored this poem
and wanted to share it with you all as we close the month.
October Gave a Party!
the leaves by hundreds came
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And the leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
-George Cooper
the leaves by hundreds came
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And the leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
-George Cooper
"I want to be in the light as You are in the light,
I want to shine like the stars in the heavens..."
-DC Talk
I want to shine like the stars in the heavens..."
-DC Talk
This was the coolest food display ever! It really did look too nice to eat. I wish I could have been there to see Ti jump up and down, giggling like crazy. :D
Your boys are just way too cute!!!
Thanks for coming by BCH.
My kids went trick or treating as kids, but they never dressed up scary. I always insisted on happy costumes.
I put a few spider webby things around this year, but I really don't like the {{{dark}}}}side of Halloween either. It is scary if you read how it started out in history. I guess that is why churchs hold their own "Fall Festival" parties.
The cupcakes look scrumptious. I bet the kideos were excited when they came home!
That display, along with those adorable cupcakes is just the CUTEST!!! Superb job!
i bet the boys were thrilled with those cupcakes - gorgeous and yummy :D
yummm! They do look to pretty to eat. I also don't like the scary and dark side of Halloween. My little ones get scared easily so I try to keep all things cutesy and fun around here.
Unfortunately if I made those for my kids, they'd be eaten before they even got home from school :o) They looks scrumptious!
#1 cute treats! i bet the boys loooved that! except maybe skyler... kidding! :)
#2 cute poem!
#3 i love dc talk! thanks for reminding me.. now im in the mood to listen to them!
I sure hope you saved me some...i'm hopping on the next available flight to CO just to try one! hehe! They look DELISH!
OMG.. Those cupcakes are adorable!
Those ARE cute!! And I am with you--I don't like all the dark stuff associated with Halloween. And wouldn't you know my hubby and kids carved a haunted house into our pumpkin!!! I must say it was pretty good, though. :)
Oh, wow! That display is amazing!! great job! I also really like the Fall Party Poem. Fall really is my favorite time of year!
Thank you for coming by Beautiful Calling!
The cupcakes came out soo cute!
What a lovely treat for the kiddos! I dont care for scary or gross halloween decorations either!
I love your view! Me too!
Blessings to you,
lana @ ilovemy5kids
Those look totally yummy!
I grew up not celebrating Halloween, for various reasons. I do celebrate it now with my family, but don't make a huge deal about it and try to focus more on the "Fall" aspect, than the gross, gory stuff. I also tell the kids they can't dress up as anything scary or morbid. Fortunately that hasn't been much of an issue. :-)
Mmmmmmmm. Caramel apples...my very favorite thing about the season!
Fall is my favorite time of year ~ And what a lovely poem to close this chapter of October ~ I am going to make a copy of this and hang it above my PC screen ~ Thanks for sharing and for stopping by ~ Merci, Rochele
Gorgeous photo!! Janell
Well, I hope your family has a wonderful weekend together, enjoying your yummy treats :) We DO celebrate...my 4-year-old chose a witch costume this year, but she's a "good witch. With no scary laugh." :) Nothing scary around here!
Very cute treats!
That is a cute poem, and those look delish!
Love the poem! and those cupcakes and display are AWESOME!♥
Yummy! Your kids are so lucky to have you.
Those cupcakes are much too cute! Your boys must have been thrilled!!! I am with your re: the uglines of Halloween. My vision of Halloween is an old fashioned child's party with bobbing for apples, a costume parade and yummy treats.
Have a great weekend!
Best wishes,
lovely display...stop over to Pandora's Box for a chance for a giveaway
Cute display. I bet your kids loved it. I like the poem as well. Have a great day!
I so agree...as we are a blended family and my girls mom is deceased I had to pick my battles and this is a holiday I chose to leave a lone...(though I hate halloween)
Those are beautiful! I would have NEVER thought of it, and it's so simple. Hmmm... I might just do these!
I lurve me some candy corn!
Great post!
I feel the same way--I love the festivities and the feeling of Halloween-time, just because of the treats and darling children, but all my decor wants favor the fall feeling, not the spooky, dark feeling.
The cupcakes look SO good! What flavor are they?
Your boys are just soooo cute!!!!
I bet they will enjoy that candy corn video. Better have some candy corn cupcakes to munch on while watching it! :)
And, for the record, I'm with you on the scary vs. happy. And DC Talk rocks! :)
And Toby Mac. ;)
I love how positive and upbeat you are about all of life. You are even positive and loving to those who may share a different viewpoint than yours. I'm all about joy and smiles too, from a darling little child dressed up like a pumpkin to delightful candy corn cupcakes for smiling little boys to eat!
THose cupcakes are ADORABLE... and yummy!
Just found your wonderful blog thru French Charmed! What wonderful ideas for a beautiful display! I invite you to stop by our blog and sign up for our giveaway, "The Pink Present", at Shabby Cottage Shops, it's valued at $350.00 and would to have you enter and possibly win more pretty eye candy!
I really like that poem. Those cupcakes sound and look so yummy. I love the display you had with them set up for your kids. What a great mom. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.
Your candycorn cupcakes look yummy :-) And I like how you've displayed the little pumpkins on candlesticks :-)
Wonderful poem too -- very appropriate for autumn :-)
I'm not a big fan of Hallowe'en either -- monsters scare me too!!
Halloween is just another excuse for me to decorate with all cute things. :) I don't do the darkness of the holiday but enjoy the fun cheery things....like your cupcakes! :)
Not really into Halloween either...but celebrating Fall and being thankful for the bountiful blessings we enjoy...now that's something to celebrate! (Love DC Talks version of "In The Light" too!)
m ^..^
Thanks so much for sharing the George Cooper poem - my grandmother always recited it to us this time of year. I've not heard it in years and had forgotten it - your post brought back sweet (and bittersweet) memories! Love the candy corn, too! Leah
How lovely. How blessed your family is to have a mom who is making home a special place to come to!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog. I stumbled on the little table at an antique store when I was returning to buy something else. But I saw it and got it instead!! I have enjoyed it.
Stop by again for a visit some time. Blessings.
Cute Lisa!! What a surprise those boys had...did Skyler help?
That's an amazingly beautiful display!! I think my girls would go crazy over candy corn cupcakes!!
Love the poem and the cupcakes, L! Adorable!! And I'm super impressed at your June Clever-ness! Awesome!
What a great Mommy you are to bake and create such an adorable table setting! Great blog, so glad I found you.
Fabulous Finds Gal
Hi Lisa,
I love those cupcakes.
I wanted to let you know that I used your idea for a family rules chart and did a link back to your blog about it. Thanks for inspiring me.
What a wonderful little display! They must have been amazed to see such a wonderful sight!
The cupcakes are so cute! We're not big Halloween celebrators but the girls do dress up and carve pumpkins. I have one little Halloween decorated area since we have the German exchange student and she hasn't seen Halloween before.
Thanks so much for sharing the poem too. Love it! :)
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by both my blogs today. Other than the little Halloween e-card I posted today, I have never done anything special for Halloween. I love celebrating fall with autumn colors and cozy blankets around the home. I admire your cupcake display, and I'm sure the looks on the kids' faces were priceless!
What lucky kids to come home to such a pretty and delicious table just for them. We don't do Halloween either in the traditional sense although I love costumes, and I love the way you stated it. Thanks for visiting me too.
This is absolutely fantastic!!! you are a very talented cook, crafter, and baker!!!! I so enjoy taking inspiration from you!
The cupcakes are awesome! I loved this post, well said! Have a great weekend!
Love your display and love the poems and I so agree with what you have said!! (we get betweemn 200-300 kids at our door--this year we will just close the door when we run out of goodies)
Thanks for the answer about the family rules! I am planing on doing something similar but with a chalkboard. Loved your idea
Loved your Halloween treats....
the Poem especially. Thank you for stopping by. Our family is hoping to move to Colorado in a few years............. have you always lived there?
Lisa, I could not agree with you more! I really love the pretty, fun things in life. I am so glad that "yesterday" is over. ;-)
We had some cutie pies visit yesterday, and there really weren't any terribly scary costumes. I was amazed at all the little cuties who dressed up as Oriental children. Precious. And there were princesses, and disco girls. There was, however, one teeny tiny skeleton who was so tiny that the candy kept falling out of his little hand before he could get it in his bag. LOL! He also tried to come right on in the house. Just a doll. But I'm with you on the scary, I don't do it.
And I love your fall display and what you had waiting for you little ones when they got home. It really looks wonderful.
Now, on to my favorite... Christmas!
Sheila :-)
Make that "your" little ones. Sorry about the typo, and those cupcakes look delicious! :-)
That looks like something right off of Martha Stewart's website! Great job. What lucky kids to have THAT waiting for them when they get home...
pk @ Room Remix
What a cute blog you have. Love the candy corn cupcakes and display you have there. Very cute!
Hope you are having a great Sunday!
I love the cupcakes! So cute!
LOVED the poem! And I am now craving the candy corn cupcakes!! Thanks. =)
..."Oh Lord be my light...
and be my salvation.
All I want it to be in the LIGHT!"
My guys were BIG DC Talk fans.(Guess it rubbed off...)
Since my boys were young, we have not celebrated Halloween in the traditional sense. We celebrated Fall...lots of fun candies and family night. We, too, enjoy watching others with their celebrations and cute costumes, etc. But,like you, we celebrate happy things...at their request! Today we wandered through a pumpkin patch and sunflower/zinnia fields, ate apple butter and fried apple pies...in Georgia, on our way home from Alabama.We had 2 of our sons and their ladies with us. It was so much fun!!! I'll be posting about our adventures this week.
Jane (Artfully Graced)
Thanks for snagging my desktop theme! So glad you liked it. Your cupcakes look amazing! What a cute idea.
Those cupcakes are cute! We only had three sets of trick or treaters this year - it rained all day!
Creative lady through every atom of her being. Wow. And wow again! I love your attention to detail in every aspect! I think Martha needs to watch out!
Hi, Lisa.
This is just so creative. You always do the most adorable things. I love how you make every day life special for your family.
Please stop by and check out my Wednesday post when you have a minute.
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