Here is the fun beverage table we had at our Father's Day BBQ. Father's Day in the new June sunshine is usually time together eating BBQ anything (as long as it's meat, right?) . It's the day to elevate Dads, to show our appreciation and gratitude.
But I have some quick thoughts for the marrieds, the wives, and moms. It's easy once a year to pat them on the back and give them their Hallark card. BUT....are our husbands elevated daily? Do we ALLOW them to carry the title Dad or are we silently stealing that title from them in the little things we do?
Do you question his discipline in front of the kids?
Do you talk negatively about him to your kids, letting your frustration show?
Do you override his authority in big decisions, mocking his choices?
Sometimes as marrieds, we get easily frustrated with our spouse. BUT, we LOVE our kids, right? Really...we do, right? Then why on earth would we ever want to rob them of a father figure? Our children need a solid family unit. When we as women decide to step in because we don't approve of our husband's choices, we are showing complete disrespect to our husbands and our children are watching. They need a Father, they don't need an overly prideful mother who belittles her husband. So, next time you think that your husband is being foolish in his choices, step back silently and ask yourself how this looks to your children. What do they see through their impressionable eyes? Do they see a Dad with his head hung low and a know it all mom, shoving her way to authority? Or do they see a Dad standing tall holding the whole family's respect? (Don't think he deserves it? ...doesn't matter...he IS your childrens' FATHER.)
I have made the mistake of altering my husband's discipline decisions in front of the kids. It took me awhile to realize how that looked to my kids and how I was disrespecting Chris whenever I did that. Don't get me wrong, Chris and I have a side by side marriage. We are a team, he doesn't dictate my life. BUT now when I disagree with him, the wiser choice is to remove ourselves from the situation and huddle alone to reach a reasonable solution.
Soooo, let your husband be a Dad this Father's Day and every day. Celebrate that title with him, encourage it. Give your children a FATHER; it's a true gift to be greatly valued! Let's not take that away.
In closing, a quick shout out to my own dad, an amazing, solid, and stable person in my life! I love you always Dad and feel grateful for the gift of a Father that my family has given me. I treasure you always.
This is a great post, Lisa! I totally agree with you.
Love your blog, btw. :-)
(Sarah from FB, and Sermon on the Mount of Laundry)
I like this post too... I think that often, we, or me at least, try to control everything, but that's just not how life works. Great post.
What a thoughtful and profound post.
Hi Lisa,
I just wanted to let you know that I will be linking to your post in an article that I have written that will go live on Monday. It will be posted at www.jennifersikora.com
Thanks so much!
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