Lean in close to your computers girls, I have great news! A discovery has been made that will change your life as you know it! Because SEXY has met COMFORT and is a match made in heaven. Hanky Panky has thongs that ummm, surprisingly don't feel like thongs. They are comfy cozy...so make some space in your underwear drawer.

You wear slinky lingerie all the time, right? Those granny panties are a crime so toss them out. I've heard from some real life sex goddesses that it is important for married women to still always dress quietly sexy for our husbands underneath our business suits, soccer mom sweats, or aprons. Just because you tied the knot doesn't mean your husband wants to see you in unattractive underwear, right? Keep your marriage red hot by paying close attention to these details. And now the excuse of discomfort isn't valid because you've been introduced to Hanky Panky thongs.

You won't believe how great they feel and fit!
You won't go back
It's a gift for all women.
There's no denying that these are the best.
Have a peek here , or here , or here !

Oh, and if you already own these, please share. For more Works for Me Wednesday posts, click

How funny....my mother in law actually gave me a pair of these for Christmas two years ago with a note that they were my sister-in-law (her daughter's) favorite. I don't think I've ever worn them because I couldn't get over the fact that my husband's mom gave them to me....he said that took all of the sexy out of it!
Those are hot! I think I might get some... thanks for sharing!!
Those look great, and its a bonus that they are comfy. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment :o)
I really want to try those out, but can't seem to bring myself to pay $18 for a single pair of underwear. They look amazing, though! Maybe next time I get paid...
Who'd have thought thongs would be comfortable?
Too bad they don't make one that my belly wouldn't hang over. LOL!
Hehehe love it! When I get married, I'm totally stocking up on these. And probably before too. ;P
Don't know about thongs but I definitely agree about still having a little sexy in the wardrobe to keep things fun at home. 17 years of child rearing and 7 kids later and my husband still appreciates that I take the time to put on my sexy panties and push up bra underneath my yoga pants and t-shirt. And none of those dumpy nighties...even in cold climates you can manage something a little sexier for bedtime.
No matter how tight our budget might get...he has never said no when I shop at Victoria's Secret.
Thanks for stopping by and saying HI.
Don't know about thongs but I definitely agree about still having a little sexy in the wardrobe to keep things fun at home. 17 years of child rearing and 7 kids later and my husband still appreciates that I take the time to put on my sexy panties and push up bra underneath my yoga pants and t-shirt. And none of those dumpy nighties...even in cold climates you can manage something a little sexier for bedtime.
No matter how tight our budget might get...he has never said no when I shop at Victoria's Secret.
Thanks for stopping by and saying HI.
Are they really worth the money? I've always wondered.
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