It's always said that the word "love" is over-used, worn out, and even misused. I'm guilty. I'm the one that says I "love" my burrito and also say I "love" my kids.
I understand that perspective, truly I do. However, I still love everything that I claim to love. I say it all the time and I'm certain I will be using my fair share of the word for the rest of my life! Because when I say "love" it evokes the same excitement each time, with different levels of passion. The energetic feeling within my heart when I claim to love is the feeling of being alive, happy, excited, energized, youthful, motivated, and on fire. When I love something I am happy, smiling, and ready for the very next moment in life!
Some things I deeply love with intense depth are my husband, kids, family, and Jesus.
Some things I lightly love with energizing life are the rain, the smell of fresh laundry, and the taste of a hot sandwich. The level of passion changes but the feeling of being alive is constant.
the sunshine on my toes as they snuggle in the sand,
the sound and smell of rain,
pretty desserts,
cozy textures,
a baby's soft skin,
the sound of a newborn baby's cry,
little toddler fingers wrapped around mine,
genuine smiles,
clean clothes and the fresh smell of clean laundry,
name-brand material masterpieces,
splashes of bold color,
a newly made bed with the covers pulled back,
piles of soft pillows,
strong arms to hold me,
deep, secure words to calm me,
the laughter of kids playing lost in their own world,
the sound of little kids walking in footed pajamas,
beautiful people,
new hair styles,
a trip to the salon,
window shopping,
dreaming and making goals,
learning something new,
opening the stiff pages of a brand new book,
giving a heartfelt gift to someone special,
money and the opportunities it brings,
looking at houses,
eating a good meal at a new restaurant,
decorating for an event,
making every detail in life beautiful,
walking in the forest over pine needles,
exercising so hard that I feel invincible,
accomplishing something that felt impossible,
checking thing off my to-do list,
the chance to start over,
intense pleasure,
being strengthened through trials,
the magic of holidays,
finding good deals,
writing on a blank sheet of paper,
making lists,
organizing personal space,
fresh flowers,
fancy destinations,
exquisite hotels,
charming towns,
scalloped edges,
pink diamonds and black pearls,
kisses from my kids,
someone winking at me,
love letters,
big brown packages on the front door step
....and the list goes on.
I know I speak of FEELINGS and the happiness that loving something brings. BUT as we know, love is a choice too. We all know that we must make choices to love when it's hard. But we must also make the choice to love the details in life, to be alive, to remain positive, and not to take a single thing for granted! How many little amazing details have you brushed over in your life lately? How would your life change if you embraced every incredible little thing that delighted your heart?
Loving the details in life is always a choice we make.
Every day.
Take it all in deeply.
It's worth the ride.
We also have a WINNER for the Tunkables Giveaway! A big thank you to EACH of you for participating. I truly wish you could all win.
This post is linked to: DIY Day

What a beautiful and thoughtful post. I enjoyed reading about all you love. I'll have to remember that for next year's Valentine's day post.
Happy Valentine's Day,
We say I love you all the time, not to diminish the importance of the statement, but because we don't want one another to ever be in doubt about how we feel. You never know which moment will be your last, so we never hang up the phone or go to sleep without saying I love you first.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Go hug your sweeties!
That was such a beautiful post...wishing you a very happy VALENTINE'S DAY!
I love you. And I love this post! It's my favorite of all of them. From the very first paragraph, I loved it. When you say you love your burrito, I can hear your sincerity and excitement. Reading this post reminds me what makes you, you. I've never seen someone with such a burning passion for life and love. You choose to love when it's hard and find deep meaning in the things others overlook. Perhaps someone would have to see your face light up when you catch that smell of rain, or when your toes come into contact with that sand, to see how much even those "lightly loves" mean to you. A more genuine person there is not!
I especially love looking at the pictures in this post. With each item shown, from the pearly M hanging from the red bottle, to the picture of Cameron Skyler on your red dresser, I can close my eyes and see that excited look you have when you are working with something you love. Your passion adds so much meaning to the lives of everyone you come into contact with!
Happy Valentines Day, Lissy!
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! Love the post, and since I have been prego I have been constantly craving Mexican food so I believe you can truly love a burrito- just saying lol. Have a great day!
i LOVE those white hearts you have! :)
I hope you and your family have a very happy Valentines day, filled with lots of love and laughter!
Lisa, what a very, very sweet post! Enjoyed this so much, and it has so much meaning. I couldn't agree with you more. Thanks for sharing, and Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!
Love ya...
Sheila :-)
so glad you have so much love in your life :D
What a great post!!! It was good to put it in perspective of what we love-the big loves, and the little loves-
Happy Valentines Day!
You are so right Lisa! There arfe so many different kinds of love, that I feel nit is ok to use the word in different ways. We know what we mean and most others do too. What is important is to find the love and excitement in every day:>)
Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day with your family. This is such a beautiful post. You are such a beautiful writer and have such a darling family. You're such an inspiration.
I love the truth behind your feelings and if only everyone could truly "love" the little things more in life it would keep up all more positive :)
Happy Valentines!!
I LOVE your post!
I LOVE how your husband writes of his love for you.
I LOVE your outlook on life and all the little details that make it special.
Happy Valentine's Day (a bit late)!
Jane (artfully graced)
Great list! Also, happy to see a new pic of you... but I want to see a big smile! :)
What a beautiful post Lisa. And what a beautiful picture of you. That is really lovely.
There cheers for love. Perfect post!
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