Thursday, April 9, 2015

PART ONE: EASTER morning, EASTER home decor, and EASTER spring table setting

Oh Easter...

 Spring's season replaces the heavy winter blanket with light and airy mists of color. Our earth sings with new scents and fresh growth.

Our home had its window's wide open to the newness of spring.

Before Easter, I worked on a SheReadsTruth Bible study throughout the lenten season.

As someone who has never practiced lent, I am fasciated by this ritual of withholding and restricting until Easter Sunday when we embrace and indulge in all of God's goodness.

Message board reminders...

Our family doing that holiday thing on a Friday night.

Almost Easter!

In our house, the boys leave empty Easter baskets on the front porch on the night before Easter.  The bunny fills them up early in the morning, eats a carrot or two, knocks loudly on the door and hops off.  When the boys hear the knock, they run to the front door to grab their filled baskets.

Some basket treasures:

all over the house for a giant hunt in the morning.

Our house is literally dotted with color on Sunday morning.

The boys LOVE the jelly bean hunt! 
 After collecting handfuls and handfuls, 
they decided to launch jelly beans while I cooked dinner.

He's the cutest teenager.


Our yard is decorated with giant eggs for the holiday! 

We had company coming over later in the day for an Easter feast 
so I set our table fresh and pretty for the celebration. 

The potted tulips were given as gifts after dinner was over.
You know I always like to combine gifts and decor in one pretty package! ;)

Ready for Sunday dinner!

This is a two part blog post.  
Check back soon for our big egg hunt,
 fun with friends, and Easter feast!

May the windows of your home let in all the light and beauty 
of spring's new promises.

Moore Easter home and decor:

Pastel Affection

Pushing the doors wide open to springtime celebrating

A tisket a tasket Easter home decor

Flying Kites on Easter Sunday

Pink Tulip Easter Table

Feather Nest Easter Table

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I SO treasure EVERY comment. I am not able to respond individually to each one anymore, although I TRULY wish I could! It is hard for me to say that because I love hearing from everyone and sharing back. I still try my best, but it may take awhile! :)

ALSO, I am unable to link up to new link up parties due to time constraints. Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for EACH lovely note! <3 I appreciate YOU.