Monday, February 23, 2015

Love Day, February 14, 2015

Our family weekend Valentine's Day

We started out our holiday with a delicious breakfast!  I already made a "hearty breakfast" another day during this month and just HAD to again one more time on Valentine's Day.

This time I made homemade buttermilk waffles with 2 different types of homemade syrup: maple and buttermilk.  I served them with fresh strawberries and heart-shaped eggs.   Cutest.

Per tradition, I always make these cherry heart kiss cookies.

I usually have a handful of surprises on our dining table for the boys on this day.  This year I gave them new mittens with a dollar bill rolled up, hidden in the mittens.  I also gave them each a new toothbrush and toothpaste.  I told them that they need to keep excellent hygiene if they want to be a good Valentine for some sweetheart someday.  ;)

I was happy that Valentine's Day was on a weekend this year!  We skipped the romantic dinner for two in exchange for a full family day at home, with our three boys and newish puppy dog.  Our Saturday was layered with lazy moments with our favorites.

The boys played football in the backyard while I read in bed: reading a page or three, watching them, reading another page, watching them.

Special Valentine game note from my oldest...

and a cute card from my youngest...

Dakotah started a new tradition a couple years ago 
of giving me a single white rose on February 14th.  
Makes me a happy mama. 

I received a mid-day, gigantic, surprise delivery from Chris!  
I am a 100% girl.  
I love flowers.  
I love a classic Valentine holiday.

These gorgeous roses were so big!
Love that guy!


 I made a steak dinner for our family.  Our menu was cast iron T Bone steaks and sirloins, steamed artichokes, and creamy mashed potatoes.

I prepared the steaks in a cast iron skillet right over the BBQ grill outside, with fresh herbs and sizzling butter.

After dinner, more chill time for this family! While summer nights are spent running barefoot outside, deep into the dark, winter nights are made for couch-cuddling.

A Saturday holiday made our day relaxing and easy, 
with a lot of opportunities to celebrate love of course! 

Moore Moments of our holiday season

This boy still reads holiday stories to me every time we dig them out of our seasonal box...

My favorite school party when I was in elementary school was ALWAYS the Valentine one:  clusters of sealed notes in a special box, secret messages, best friend pacts, childhood crushes, conversation hearts...

The boys always have an ice cream sundae bar during their Valentine school parties too.

Cupcake snacking...

His and Hers


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I SO treasure EVERY comment. I am not able to respond individually to each one anymore, although I TRULY wish I could! It is hard for me to say that because I love hearing from everyone and sharing back. I still try my best, but it may take awhile! :)

ALSO, I am unable to link up to new link up parties due to time constraints. Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for EACH lovely note! <3 I appreciate YOU.