Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lessons learned during my season of ill health

I am still behind on blog posts, but I am working hard to catch up!  My goal is to post quite a few stories in the next couple of weeks.

I've mentioned a couple times recently that I had surgery this summer.  We moved into a new home over the summer AND we did the whole surgery thing.  Goodness, it was a crazy summer, but still oh so good.   I don't want to talk too much about surgery gets a little boring.  

What I DO want to talk about is what I learned through this time.  I usually turn away help.  I always say "no" then I do it all on my own.  I've heard that is a pride issue.  Maybe.  I'm not quite sure.  I just know that is what I do.  But, these years, I've been practicing on improving personal character wrinkles.  So...THIS time when friends asked me for help, I said "yes".  At first it was a timid, barely audible whisper, peeking out from beneath my eyelids.  Then, as the blessing of my "yes" response started flowing in, my arms uncrossed and started spreading open, accepting all the love and all the help my personal community of friends had to offer.   Accepting these gifts was the most beautiful part of my sickness period.  I have never felt so cared about, so peaceful within, or so hopeful in our incredible human race.  People are beautiful.  My friends and family interrupted their daily rush to help me, to care about me, to ask about me, and to bless our family.   I am carrying this lesson along with me for the rest of my journey in life.   My friends taught me how impactful a bowl of soup, my favorite dessert, a bouquet of flowers, or a couch visit is in people's lives.  It was their actions that bellowed to me the loudest, like a big choir of happiness, telling me that selfless caring and compassion really are the best ways to bring joy and rest to those in need.  Thank you friends for being YOU, for being a part of my life, and for making this short season of my life so positively memorable.     

Here is an update I wrote on Facebook, soon after my surgery:

"Finally, I got online and I am absolutely speechless at the amount of care and love found here. I don't know how to respond to it. This world and the people in it are truly beautiful. EACH one of you soothed my spirit with your caring words as you showed your heart to our family. I am completely thankful for the massive support. It's a big deal and I never want to take it for granted. Thank you all for being my friend, for cheering me on, for praying, and most of all for caring. You are all teaching me so much. I'm learning how to let go, how to lean on others, and how to compassionately show love to others when they go through crisis situations. I think life is beautiful and I know for certain that you all have hearts of gold."

In summary... 

I learned: 

Lessons in community, friendship, support, love, and giving. 

Learning to let go and breathe in. 

Taking in a new perspective of people who live with daily pain, 

practicing compassion. 

Feeling life in different ways, 

being constantly grateful for blessings,

 including health, our greatest gift.

 Realizing how quickly things can change, 

but knowing that our strength will always start from within. 

Finding solace as we realize that strength creates beauty. 

And finally, being reminded 

that people ARE love.

Ok, here is the story update those of you who have asked about this.  First of all, YES! I am doing one hundred times better now.  Thank you for caring and for asking.  I appreciate it lots.  Here's the nutshell: I started feeling really unwell the day I was preparing for our big 4th of July party.  I knew something wasn't right.  The days following were a miserable blur of sickness.  I found out I needed to get my gallbladder removed, which is very common and a very routine ordeal.  Simple, easy, and better!  I, however, was a case of the minority percentage where things didn't go as expected or planned.  Because of this, my recovery was a bit longer than normal.  God is so good.  Everything is back on track and normal once again.  For those of you wondering, I eat everything and function the same just as I did before surgery with no problems!  Hooray! 

There is always a first!  My first time having surgery, arriving at the hospital.

A very WELCOME home sign from my boys


My house was a flower garden!


During my slow recovery days, Titus would play violin for me as I soaked up the sun.  It was beautiful. 

I had SO many visitors.  My dear neighbors bringing me my favorite cake one evening!

And another special friend (and favorite baby!)  bringing me cupcakes from my VERY favorite shop!

Chris was incredible!  He is so patient, gentle, and loving.  I am none of those when I'm around sick people.  I admire the way Chris is so good with helping people.  It's beautiful.   He made me signs each day just like the white boards at the hospital.  It was SO cute and hilarious! 

In spite of an uncomfortable, painful, and unwell season, it was a time of beauty.  My loved ones created a sanctuary and gave my spirit peace.  I am so grateful.

The song that played in my heart during these days was a little praise song I used to sing as a little girl.  And oh, how true it is.

"He brought me to His banqueting table, 
His banner over me is love. 
I am my Beloved's and He is mine, 
His banner over me is love. 
And we can feel the love of God in this place, we believe Your goodness, we receive Your grace. 
We delight ourselves at Your table, God, You do all things well, just look at our lives...
I am my Beloved's and He is mine, 

1 comment:

  1. You are loved more than you know.....Soooo happy you're better! God is amazing and loves you so much! Also, loved the "lol" (lots of love) ;)


I SO treasure EVERY comment. I am not able to respond individually to each one anymore, although I TRULY wish I could! It is hard for me to say that because I love hearing from everyone and sharing back. I still try my best, but it may take awhile! :)

ALSO, I am unable to link up to new link up parties due to time constraints. Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for EACH lovely note! <3 I appreciate YOU.