Thursday, March 24, 2011

Vintage Urban BOY'S ROOM (part 2)

This is part 2 of a 3 part blog series. Please view part 1 and part 3 for details on the other rooms.

I'm not too "theme-y" with bedrooms because walking into a room with a million supermen staring at me or feeling engulfed in Disney characters doesn't feel too peaceful. However, I do like to follow a style or idea theme to pull everything together and to prevent getting lost in a mismatched mess.

We have a little bit of vinyl wall art in each boy's room from etsy!

(must follow some popular trends!) ;)
His bed looks this nice {maybe} 10 percent of the time...

Instead of finding a favorite themed thing of the moment I decided to style each of their rooms according to their personalities.

Dakotah's room is very boyish with some vintage charm and some cool urban accents. He leaves "graffiti" on every piece of paper his crayons come into contact with and he has a love for skateboards. Urban just worked.

Old city metal
playful building bricks
skateboards and bike wheels
trucks and rusty license plates
cinder blocks
vintage toys

Kotah is my fun-loving, always busy, very boyish, big-hearted, overly creative, cool kid, middle boy. Kotah confidently wants to take charge, so I needed to leave spaces in his room for him to have the freedom to express his own style. This is important to him.

Hiding behind a closet door are baskets just for him to personally organize all "his stuff".

Filling an entire wall with corrugated metal gives him a huge magnetic space to FREELY display his artwork and creative projects. Using this type of metal also set the urban tone for the room.

I found adorable little magnets on by Katie Leroy on etsy for him to use when hanging his art and school work. We home school, so his bedroom also serves as his school time study area.

The old license plate gives a sentimental tribute to our home state and the state Dakotah was born in.

A large part of each boy's room is dedicated to their school work areas.

Kotah loves having a desk/activity table. This table is usually FULL of scraps of paper on and under it with scissors lying open over his creations. His busy hands never stop...

This is where Dakotah spends most of his school days...

School supplies available at every spin with this Pottery Barn Kids art caddy.

His nightstand is entirely unique and also entirely HIM. We stacked cinder blocks to follow the vintage urban style. No worries about this active BOY denting or scratching his furniture {wink}.

The cinder blocks give instant cubby hole spaces for storage and are super fun for little boys!

The cubby hole within reach of his bed is used for all of his "adult" accessories. Dakotah is constantly mimicking adult behaviors so he has his own set of keys, an old cell phone, and change in his pockets. Every night he empties his pockets into his cinder block cubby hole.

The artwork for his room was also found on etsy, my favorite little spot.

I filled a gumball machine with some of his most loved and most used hotwheels.

Books are used as decor all throughout our home sweet home. They add SO much charm and are available for curious little boys to easily pick up and flip through the pages. We hope to encourage a love for reading by leaving books easily accessible.

Classic vintage toys and can't beat that!

This Fisher Price car garage was my brothers when we were kids. Growing up, the two of us always played with it. It's awesome to watch a new generation enjoy it as well.

Dakotah's room is full of color and personality, a perfect mirror of our boy in the middle! He makes our family shine! My hope as his mama is that his room will provide him with inspiration to continue his growth in individuality and also allow him the space to JUST BE.

Always doing extra posing for the camera...

Coming up in Part 3: Titus' natural, eco-friendly room and study space.

This post is linked to: Design Dazzle, Flamingo Toes, It's a Blog Party, Think Pink Sundays, LambAround, DIY Showoff, DIY Living, Seasonal Sundays, It's so Very Cheri, Strut Your Stuff at Saturday Mornings, Met Monday, Making the World Cuter, Motivate Me Mondays, Market Yourself Mondays, Lettered Cottage How To, Tasty Tuesday, Tempt My Tummy, Tuesdays at the Table, A2Z Tips Tuesday, Tip Junkie, Get Your Craft On, We're Organized Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday, Works for Me Wednesday, Show and Tell, Whatever Goes Wednesday, Blog Hop Thursday, Transformation Thursday, Tablescape Thursday, Show off Your Stuff, Strut Your Stuff, Friday Favorites, VIP Party Show and Share Day, Foodie Friday, Frugal Friday, I'm Lovin It, Funky Junk Interiors, Tickled Pink, Funky Junk Interiors, Be Different Act Normal, Weekend Wrap Up


  1. Love all the little details and well-thought-out touches. The cinderblock side table is genius!

  2. Kotah's room is SO him. The cinder blocks most of all. It is so much fun seeing the different treasures he chooses to store there. And I love how you describe his work table as always being in use. I can't remember the last time I walked in his room and didn't see it covered in projects. His hands and creativity never stop. My favorite part of his room is the metal wall. It takes the rooms personality to another level.

  3. Love how you re-use things from partyscape to bedroom and throughout the house. You really make use of everything!

    I bet he loves his room!


  4. Wow, I LOVE this room! So creative! I'm seriously considering trying a few of your decor ideas out. Thanks!

  5. Amazing! I've always wanted to do corrugated metal in my boy's room when he gets older. Love how it turned out. And the cinder blocks were genius!

  6. Lisa, I found yet another idea to copy from you. I have to put a metal wall in my boys rooms. They would love it. I can't wait to see the last room.

  7. Wow, what an amazing room, I love the cinder blocks and the storage they provide!

  8. I found Part II when I subscribed to your blog! :) Very clever Urban ideas. The corrugated metal wall and cinder blocks are perfect urban elements, and both of them are functional/useful! Great job. Lucky boys to have such a creative mom to give them wicked cool rooms.

  9. This is so cute! I love your taste! Saw this at Tidy Mom!

  10. I admire your talent. These rooms are to die for. Right out of a catalog! I'm following you so I can get back here when it comes time for ideas =)

  11. Fabulous room. I love the metal wall and the cinder blocks. So fun!

    I'm just shocked I don't already follow you since I'm a HUGE fan of other posts but I've corrected that now ... I'm your newest follower. :)

  12. Your boys bedrooms are wonderful! Love your clever storage and artwork ideas! I'm your newest follower! I would love for you to stop by sometime!

    Warm Wishes,

  13. My son's room already has a similar feel to this. I love, love, love the corrugated metal wall.

  14. Such a cute room! I love all the unique details like the cinder block night stand and the toy car gumball machine, so clever!

  15. oh my... that corrugated wall totally rocks!!! Love the added magnetic bonus feature as well. Very cool room.


  16. if my son ever gets his own room this is how I wanna do it up :D well, the same idea and all. it looks great!

  17. Fantastic Room Lisa!!

    Thanks for sharing and linking up! I featured your post in my wrap up! Have a great rest of the weekend!

  18. Found this on tidy mom. LOVE the metal wall. Brilliant. I might just have to try this. So where does one find such a thing?

  19. How neat that you themed each space to their own personalities.

    It's wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  20. What a great space that you've created for your son! I just came across your blog and I'm so glad to have found you...I can't wait to see all the great projects you have. I'd love for you to check out my Interior Design & Decor website, SAS Interiors, and also link up to Saturday Spotlight @

    ~Jenna, SAS Interiors

  21. I love the metal wall. What a great idea. I would love it if you linked your project up to More The Merrier Monday.

  22. WOW! Love that wall! That would be perfect in my son's room.

    Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  23. Wow, that cinderblock nightstand is awesome. Love the metal wall too, is the metal very costly?

  24. Fabulous room! Very nicely done and its a great room for him to grow with!

  25. Wow! You did an awesome job. I think the metal wall is my favorite!, But, those cinder blocks for a side table are genius! The cars in the bubblegum machine rock too! This is really amazing and your son is so lucky!

  26. Great job! Love the skateboard on the blocks! Stopping by from Tip ME Tuesday.


  27. Just stopping by from Tatertots and Jello, I love the metal on the wall, I saw that on Anna White's site and so wished I could do that too. Looks great. :)

  28. This is an amazing room, with TONS of fun details! Thanks for sharing!

  29. i love the metal on the wall! :) looks great and i like that it is tailored to him and his tastes and not too matchy matchy! it has great character! great job!

  30. That metal wall rocks! I am featuring this at

  31. I just LOVE this room! The metal wall, the cinderblock night stand, how personal it is to your son... Love your writing style too. New follower!

  32. What a great space for your kiddos! Thanks for linking up Lisa!

  33. Hi Lisa! Awesome room! I love the fun details - the metal wall and the cinderblock are genius and so much fun with every other detail. Great job! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity in the DIY Project Parade! ;)


  34. The cinderblock nightstand is such a simple & unique idea! Love it!

  35. Love the corrugated metal wall and the cinder block table! I might have to take them to my sis who is doing rooms for 3 boys at her house!

  36. This room is fantastic! I think my favorite part is that little sign that says 'always say please and thank you'. So cute!

  37. Great Job on this room! Love it!

  38. That tin wall is just fabulous!!! It's gorgeous and functional...and oh so boy looking! :)

  39. SO fabulous! :) I love the "urban" styling - so fresh and modern, yet still a great "classic" room your little boy can enjoy for years. Nice work! <3 Michelle

  40. I love every single one of your boys' rooms. What a great way to express their personalities. All the spaces are defined and organized so well. You're such an awesome mom. Thanks for linking to We're Organized Wednesday. I'll be featuring them.

  41. LOVE the metal wall!! What size sheets did you use? How did you attach them? How much do the sheets usually run?
    Thanks for the info!!

  42. What a fun room. Love the tin and cynder blocks!

  43. I've been trying to thing of how to decorate my 16 year old's bedroom... I'm thinking the metal wall is a fabulous idea! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

  44. Thanks Lisa!
    I'm actually thinking about trying this in my 14 (almost 15) year old's room next week! Thanks for the tips and inspiration! - Julie


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