Friday, October 1, 2010

Feathering our nest for fall

Acorns are my favorite fall decor!
Here they snuggle into a mason jar next to a couple of in season pears.

A few things change in our little nest each season. Fall brings in the warmth and a lot of rustic texture from the outdoors. When decorating our home sweet home I prefer a subtle acknowledgment of the season and not the bright commercialized look that overstimulates our minds. I also prefer to use pieces of decor that are "normal" and not always necessarily sold in the seasonal section of a store.

If you use this method to decorate there are three factors to consider when classifying what decorative piece belongs in each season:

The type of decor,
- The
- and the

Fall incorporates warmth,
rustic charm,
and a lot of natural outdoor texture.

Wheat and dried grass have always been favorites of mine

My little squirrel candle from Pottery Barn
always disappears from this spot because of
three curious boys!

This coffee table doesn't scream fall,
but it has a heavier look for the brisk weather of the season.

(Longaberger baskets on a handmade Amish table runner)

A little playful whimsy
with baby pumpkins balanced on candlesticks

This message always makes my heart smile.
I've shared before about it! Make every moment count.

I am a lover of white pumpkins!
The hanging quilt makes this my little country-decorated spot in the kitchen ;)

I posted last year about these toilet paper pumpkins.

I also shared how to make this dryer vent pumpkin last year.
New books are casually set out
to entice curious readers to embrace the season.

Cubbies are an excellent excuse to collect more treasures ;)

Spice Candles nestled in acorns....

Our fireplace mantel shares some fall blessings
for autumn atmosphere.
It's more cost effective to re-use decor for each season.
This zinc message board can be used for a variety of seasons
with {always} new messages.

The boys and I picked these by the handful on a recent hike.

And I was able to use them for some charm...
I have often mentioned one of my easy and favorite seasonal decorating habits: Switch your framed photos out for the season. Hide away the summer beach vacation photo and put some pumpkin patch photos in its place.

Here are some examples of how I incorporate that into our home's decor:

A splash of blue on an otherwise fall photo
adds a nontraditional color for extra fun

Kotah, my middle son is a little sweetheart
who gets excited EVERY TIME I decorate. When he saw me working, he started to help! He grabbed some cups and pulled up some flowers from outside to add to our decor.

Watching my boys bounce down the stairs with wide-eyed excitement as I switch out decor makes my heart full. I hope they never loose their sense of wonder. Every day is magic. Every season is a new package that God sends to add renewed life to our spirits. If I can cultivate enthusiasm for life simply by being a Mom, making my nest cozy with candles, then that is what I will continue to do...every season.

It's a blessed life.

This post is linked to: DIY Showoff Thanksgiving, DIY Showoff FALL PARTY, Making the World Cuter, Motivate Me Mondays, Market Yourself Mondays, It's So Very Creative, Tip Me Tuesday, Tasty Tuesday, Tempt My Tummy, Tuesdays at the Table, Topsy Turvy Tuesday, Tuesdays Unwrapped, Toot Your Horn Tuesday, Get Your Craft On, We're Organized Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday, Works for Me Wednesday, Show and Tell, Whatever Goes Wednesday, Spotlight Yourself, Show off Your Stuff, Strut Your Stuff, Friday Favorites, Show and Share Day, Foodie Friday, I'm Lovin It, Fabulous Finds Friday,Funky Junk Interiors, Fabulous Friday Finds, Tickled Pink, Inspired By, Weekend Wrap Up


  1. How lovely! That wheat and dried grass bouquet is perfect for the season!

  2. I smiled when I saw Kotah's "help". He really might be your biggest fan. Fall is an amazing time of year. I'm sure God made fall beautiful so we wouldn't be disappointed with summer's fun fading away. When do I get to assist with sampling food for a fall food post? :D

  3. I always love your pointers on how to replicate your beautiful touches. Now I need to figure out where to find this stuff and how to keep it looking nice.

  4. My favorite season of all! I, like you, love to have subtle hints of the season change - with using depth of color, textures and natural looking items. Candles are always a must. Your home looks beautiful and extremely inviting. Welcome Fall!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love all the fall touches, especially the acorns..they're perfect!

  7. I always looks forward to seeing your new decor for the new season. You always have such wonderful ideas that include so much of your family. I'm hoping to take the family on a hike later today and collect some of those wonderful acorns. I have some empty jars I need to fill. Hope you're having a beautiful weekend.

  8. Lisa, what a fun post, and I am in love with your little squirrel candle! He is DARLING. I can see why the boys are fascinated with him. :-)

    Hope all is well with you. Wanted to drop by to say thank you for the prayers for Mr. Magpie. He's much better now, and I am finally able to breathe. I still have a monumental amount of things to do before I can blog again, but I hope to see daylight in a week or so. In the mean time, I'm sending you all my best...


    Sheila :-)

  9. I just love mini pumpkins. They're so fun to decorate with!

  10. I love that you used seasonal photos as part of your decor. Simple, cheap, and super easy to do!

    Stop over and check out Free 2 Be Frugal sometime.

  11. Your home is gorgeous - and your pictures are beautiful.

  12. I LOVE that last paragraph. It's like poetry!

  13. Your decorations are gorgeous! You are a talented photographer as well : )

  14. Lisa,
    Love your fall decor. That squirrel is adorable! Kotah has his mamma's eye! I love it when my little ones pitch in, I need to take more pictures of their work!

    Best wishes,

  15. I LOVE everything! Especially the table centerpiece... its just what I need!

    - Michelle @ Bunch of Craft

  16. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the Wednesday link up. Lovely blog:) You can find me at
    LOVE your blog design

  17. Beautiful! Full of inspiration!

    Visiting from Cheri's party!

  18. Everything looks super cute! Especially love the wheat :)

    Visiting from It's so Very Cheri!

  19. My boys love it each and every time I switch something up around here too :). It makes it all the more rewarding, doesn't it? So sweet :). Love all of your acorn touches!

  20. My kiddos are the same way. I love your decor.

    You should enter that in Weekly Showcase. We have a fun give-a-way each week.

    We are looking for crafty talented people to showcase in our eZine-if you are interested let us know.

    Check out our monthly contest as well, we have a $1500 give-a-way--one week left. Check out the guidelines and enter qualifying projects.

    Cheri from ItsSoVeryCheri

  21. I love that your kids got in on the action! So cute! I love the cubbies and nuts, etc.. It's so fall-y! Very nice. Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  22. I'm loving your fall decorating ideas. Acorns and pears are some of my fav fall items! I'm highlighting this at

  23. You have some really cute fall decor! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites last week!

    Hope you'll stop by again this week. I'm celebrating my blogiversary with a giveaway for a Presto Cool Touch Griddle!

  24. The best thing in life in=s the enthusiasm kids have for pretty much everything...I hope I can help my kids hang out to that for as long as is contagious (I am cranky and always need help!). I too only do subtle decor...I like to just add it here and there were it makes sense...although on Halloween I do put spider webs on my fence and a funky wreath on my door.

  25. The prettiest decorative touches were those precious little cups filled with flowers your Kotah had picked!! That was my Favorite part of your Oh so sweet post. I LOVE to see young women of today returning their hearts and efforts toward home. I'm a Grandmother now and I love seeing young mothers interested in being keepers of the home rather than keeping UP with the Jones. Continue be the Keeper of your Home!
    Gmama Jane

  26. May I share your picture of Kotah's cups on my blog?? I am talking about being keepers of the home and I want to share this precious picture. it has really touched me...perhaps because I have 5 grandchildren and 4 of them are little boys!! Little boys touch my heart with their sheer exuberance for life. I'll post your picture until you tell me to take it down. I will give you credit and link back to your blog
    Gmama Jane


I SO treasure EVERY comment. I am not able to respond individually to each one anymore, although I TRULY wish I could! It is hard for me to say that because I love hearing from everyone and sharing back. I still try my best, but it may take awhile! :)

ALSO, I am unable to link up to new link up parties due to time constraints. Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for EACH lovely note! <3 I appreciate YOU.