Friday, November 20, 2009

Maple Sugar Cookies bid Fall Farewell

Taking a big bite out of the season tastes so delicious with these fall treats!

Some Maple Sugar goodness all rolled out and ready to transform into acorns and leaves.

Maple Sugar Leaves
I made these using my favorite Cream Cheese Sugar Cookie recipe but substituting maple extract for the almond! This gave it the rich maple taste.

I divided the dough and dyed it a variety of vibrant fall colors before rolling them out.

Before baking I used a knife to make leaf veins and to add details.

And out of the oven...
I'm disappointed my flash washed the colors out so much. The colors are actually much more bold.

Sugar Acorn Maples
For these Acorn Maples my mom and I made the dough and cut the cookies at her home sweet home, and I decorated them later at my house.

Skyler took a break from regular scheduled home school classes to help us out!
Sorry to side track this post
but while we're at my Mom's I wanted to sneak you a peek of her dining room.
It's all set up for a Ladies Luncheon
and super festive!

Okay...back to baking.

Again I substituted maple extract for almond extract. After baking these acorns I dipped the tops in melted chocolate, added almond slivers, and set to dry on parchment paper.
How cute are these?!! I'm loving these fall cookies.

Which one is YOUR favorite?


  1. Your too much...too this's looking de-O-lish:)

  2. I can't choose! They are both just wonderful! :D Jewel

  3. oh i love those acorns, i will be making those soon!

  4. Oh my gosh! Those look so delish! I love those acorn ones! I think I'm going to have to whip up a batch.

    PS thanks for voting for me! you're awesome!

  5. They are both so pretty and creative. I HATE when the camera won't cooperate to show the true beauty of something. HATE. it. But I can tell they are beautiful!

    Until next year, Fall...


  6. Both of those are such cute ideas!!! I love the color of the leaves and the acorns came out so cute!

  7. I will gladly eat a few of each but considering I'm a chocoholic, I'll have to choose the acorns! So cute!

  8. I vote for the acorns. SO cute! Too bad we live so far apart, I would be inviting myself over about now for own of those tasty treats.

  9. Love all those cookies. Making rolled cookies is quite a job and yours look great and so do your mom's.

    Thanks so much for linking up at Sharing Thanksgiving. Hope you'll return again.

  10. Everything looks amazing! You did a great job...

  11. Do I have to pick just one as a favorite?? They both look WONDERFUL! I love the way you decorated the acorn cookies. So clever! How about your recipes? Do you share? I'd love to make the maple-flavored cookies, too!

  12. Keep me away from those acorn maples. They look so delicious!

  13. Everything you showed us today looks beautiful and delicious! Thanks for sharing. I thought your Thanksgiving table from the previous post was very beautiful. I loved the simplicity, the colors, the textures, and all the little thoughtful touches you added. The childrens' table was great too!

    Hope you and yours have a wonderful weekend!


  14. Oh, these look and sound delicious! I'm going to have to start baking tomorrow...before the season ends.
    You're such a good mom...letting the kids help you create.

    I've got to tell youngest son (23) and I were talking about the T-day menu. When I mentioned that I was going to bake rolls on Monday, he said that HE would handle the rolls. When I looked so astonished, he told me he now has 3 cookbooks on breadmaking and he wanted to try it. I almost fell over!!! His wife (who doesn't cook) has offered to bake an apple pie!!! (She's discovered the Barefoot Contessa and is experimenting.)

    Jane (artfully graced)

  15. These are so pretty I would hate to eat them! You are one creative lady - always coming up with great ideas.

    pk @ Room Remix

  16. Wow!! This area almost too beautiful to eat!

  17. girl...these are gorgeous!!! almost too perfect to eat...I said ALMOST...they sound yummy!

  18. The leaf cookies are almost to pretty to eat. Almost! Your Mom's table looks beautiful!

  19. Really pretty cookies! I love how the leaf cookies look but the acorns are dipped in chocolate, guess I would have to try both:>)

  20. OMG! These cookies are adorable!! and they must bee delicious too! Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day! Vanessa

  21. Oh, they both look yummy! But I am partial to acorns...


  22. These look absolutely amazing.........:-) Great job. Happy Foodie Friday!

  23. Both please lol great job!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  24. The acorn shaped cookies are adorable. Thank you for sharing your creative ideas with us. Cut-out cookies are so fun with kids, huh? (well, after you clean up all the flour).

  25. You are such a clever cookie baker. What fun! It's nice to met you.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  26. What a wonderful post! Your cookies are novel and quite clever. I loved to see Skyler helping in the kitchen. As to my favorite cookie - it has to be the acorns.

  27. These are adorable! I love them both, but the acorns are my fave!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  28. Yummy post! Everything looks delicious and so pretty as usual! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! xo.

  29. ~WOW! Lisa I have never seen such beautiful Fall cookies. Love the pretty and colorful leaves! :)

  30. Beautiful cookies! I love the acorns.


  31. What a GREAT!!! post. Your cookies look WONDERFUL!!! I love to see kids in the kitchen helping.

  32. Oh wow, they both look wonderful...and I would never have thought of putting maple extract in sugar cookie dough. You, my dear, are a genius. And your Mom's table setting is beautiful! Thanks for letting us peak in there with you!

  33. Lisa I LOVE the cookies - the leaves are my favorite!! how cool that you colored the dough and mixed the colors - they look SO festive!! and the maple cookies sound DELICIOUS!! Now I wish I had leaf cookie cutters! LOL (maybe next year!)

    You're mom's table looks beautiful!


  34. I love those leaves, too! So cool the way you mixed the doughs! I think the almonds for the acorns tops are perfect, too! :)

  35. Lisa, those are some of the cutest cookies EVER! You did great with these!


    Sheila :-)

  36. You are too much. I love the leaf cookies. I love how they look tie dyed. I also saw your thanksgiving table set up with the turkeys over at JenJen's and it was so cute.
    I hope you are having a great weekend.

  37. Those cookies are absolutely beautiful and I bet they taste as good as they look! You're my domestic inspiration lady!

  38. Mmmmmm, they both look so good and my kids would like to help making both. We'll have to try these.

  39. I'd love to have you sign up with my Thanksgiving Traditions.


  40. Oh wow, these look sooo yummy! So creative too. Now I have to add baking to my list of things to do!

  41. Fabulous indeed! I just love the creativity in the acorn cookies - they are just too cute.


  42. Can you send me the maple sugar leaves recipe? :) I think I'll make those for THanksgiving!!!!

  43. Those are the most fabulous acorns I've every seen! Too pretty almost to eat - love the beautiful leaves also!


  44. WOW! Those are both beautiful! I can't pick a favorite! Adorable!!

  45. oh the acorns! definitely love the acorns!!!

  46. Where do you come up with all of your ideas! You're so creative.

  47. They both look delicious, but I love the acorn cookies! I'd love it if you could stop by and link up to my "Go Nuts" party!

  48. All so sweet Lisa. What a warm and festive atmosphere you've created for your home this holiday!

  49. These are gorgeous!!! Each one is like a mini edible art piece!

  50. They are all beautiful, but the acorns are my fave...they look divine! :) Thanks for showing photos of each step! Visiting from Kimba's party. :) Here's my link from yesterday:

  51. Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving, Lisa! I know with your creativity and gorgeous tablesettings and cookies it definitely will be!!

  52. Hi there.
    I'm stopping over from TSSC and I just wanted to say hello. This sounds fantastic!! I must try them both. Thanks for sharing.

    P.S. Love your blog name and description. So cute.

  53. By the number of posts you've received, I'd say you hit a home run! My goodness you are talented. Going to click your "Follow" button to come by more often. Please visit and do the same if you like what you see.

  54. Like always, i have so much fun catching up on your posts! And these cookies are awesome!

  55. wow, i am in awe of your mad baking skillz :D

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  59. These are just cute, cute, cute, CUTE! Love them both, but since I love squirrels and associate acorns with them, I'll choose the acorn cookies. And I love maple!


    Sheila :-)

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I SO treasure EVERY comment. I am not able to respond individually to each one anymore, although I TRULY wish I could! It is hard for me to say that because I love hearing from everyone and sharing back. I still try my best, but it may take awhile! :)

ALSO, I am unable to link up to new link up parties due to time constraints. Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for EACH lovely note! <3 I appreciate YOU.