Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wreath Hanging 101

Wreath hangers are always annoying because the wreath hangs too high when using them. I found a solution that adds more style and better placement with your wreaths. And as my husband often says, "good ideas are always stolen"...I didn't come up with this idea on my own! I have Nester to thank! BUT it works so I'm excited to share.

Put a big, fat, ribbon around your wreath. Ribbon hangers are beautiful. Simply loop the ribbon through your wreath and nail the ribbon in the tip top of your door (where no one ever sees). If you have a metal door, use a short screw. Trim off the edges so they don't overhang on the back of the door and you are good to go.

I added a bow around the middle of the ribbon just for fun on this FALL WREATH. By the way...I'm a big fan of DROOPY bows!! I actually prefer them over wired ribbon bows most of the time. I love extra long ribbon tails too! The droopy bows and long tails have so much personality and cuteness, it's almost like they are pouting...
now I'm sounding weird because I'm attaching personal attributes to ribbon...so I'll stop.

I also am taking my fair share in the still-ever-present monogram craze. I painted a wooden "M" and balanced it in the middle of the wreath.
I {big heart} monograms.

Isn't a wreath a cozy way to welcome someone to your home sweet home?

I wish you could all come right in...

This Works for Me. For More Works for Me Wednesday tips, click here.


  1. Great tip, and GORGEOUS wreath!

  2. Very cute! Great tip! I love the Fall wreath... since I love anything Fall-related! :) My mom is a huge wreath fan, and at Christmas, we can never see through the "peep-hole" when people come over because the wreath is in the way. I'll have to tell her about this tip! :)

  3. Very cute! I'm absolutely going to try this.

  4. Love it! What a great tip! I like that look so much better than a plastic wreath hanger.

  5. i do love the ribbon idea myself!

  6. I don't hang them 'cause they annoy me, period! Plus I'm not that into decorating. Haha. Plus, around here, you're likely to get something like that stolen or destroyed.

  7. Oh! I LOVE a pretty wreath! Since our move, we are down to just one on our living room wall - one that was a gift - one that is COMPLETELY flowers and precise and organized and with a wire bow...

    You have given me the inspiration to make my own again - flowing and free and just how I want it to be! Thanks!

  8. How beautiful! Thank you for the tip ~ Now I think I'll have to be working on a wreath this weekend!

  9. I'm really tall, so I think wreath hangers fall at just the right place *L* I do think the ribbon is a lot prettier though! Thanks for the tip.

  10. That is such a pretty wreath! This reminds me that I need to bring mine up. I have a screw on my door to hang mine but I often make some with ribbon as well because they are so pretty!

  11. I love the tip and love that wreath!!! I wish I was a good wreath maker. I love wreaths, but mine never look good.

  12. Love that wreath. It's gorgeous and that's a great tip! Thanks for sharing!


  13. Great tip! This is awesome. I am going to do this for my Xmas wreath this year.

    Thanks for sharing!


  14. What a beautiful wreath and the ribbon makes such a neat holder - way better than the metal thing I use!
    I've enjoyed looking through some of your posts, one of which was the Father/Son campout. We have one son and two daughters. My hubby and son used to go do a guys camping thing every year. They took a tent and did guy things out in the wild. Such great memories were made doing this. My son is now 21 and in the army and if he can come home at the right time of the year they'll still do it.
    PS - Bob did other things with the girls. They weren't interested in roughing it!

  15. Love it! Great tip and what a beautiful wreath.

    Thanks for visiting my site!!

  16. Love the wreath. What a wonderful blog you have, I added myself to your followers. Thanks for stopping by Happy Nester and leaving a comment.

  17. Where did you get that wreath? It's absolutely beautiful!!! Thanks for the great tip!

  18. Beautiful! You make me want to go out and use my Michael's coupon! I really want a fall wreath and I love the letter in the middle!!

  19. Love your wreath! I agree, it definitely makes for a cozy welcome :)

  20. Hi there. Just wanted to say thanks for your comment on my blog , Simply Red. Hope you'll come back sometime.

    BTW, I love your wreath. It is a great idea. I'm with you on the droopy bows. Love that look!

  21. Very awesome tip!!! And very cute wreath!!

    I don't know yet if we'll be neighbors.... I'm pretty sure we'll be doing it, but it won't happen until Spring if we do.

  22. LOVE the monogram on your wreath...I made my FALL wreath last night and yes, I put a monogram on it.....they look soooo dang good! Your blog is super and now I'm your new BFF. Stop over for a visit...I will posting my wreath soon.

  23. I love this tip. And pulling out our fall wreath is on my to-do list for this weekend, so it's perfect timing! I'm so glad you stopped by my little blog so I could find yours...it's wonderful! And if you do throw a spy party for your son, let me know if you'd like the invite file to play with--I have it saved :).

  24. Thanks for following my blog! I'm so glad to meet you!

    I love your blog! And your wreath post is too timely! I'm trying to think of a way or place to get our last initial for my fall wreath - LOVE yours!!!!! SO gorgeous!!!!

  25. What a great idea! I'm so sharing this with my Mom!

  26. I saw your comment on Thrifty Decor Chic - you are awesome! I figured out the whole wreath hanger plus ribbon a couple of years ago - seems like the wreath hangers haven't figured out that our front doors are taller now:)

  27. That is a great idea. I live the droopy bow AND the monogram! I need to find myself an M too!

  28. Great idea! Thanks for sharing it! Now I have to convince my dh to put a screw in the top of our steel door!! ;-)

    Love your wreath (and the droopy bow) as well!!


  29. Thanks for this tip. I'm going to use it!

  30. Really cool idea--love it and love the wreath. I think I have nails on all my doors because I always have wreaths of some sort--but it is very pretty with your wreath. It reminds me of why my house was built with piture molding all along the top of the walls. They used to hand pictures the way you have hung your wreath so they would ruin the plaster walls.

  31. You have so many good ideas. This is the first time I have visited your blog. Tootsie at Tootsie Time sent me over to look at your dryer vent pumpkins. I have added you as a favorite.

  32. Thanks for linking to the Fall Festival! I'm so glad your sharing your helpful tips and beautiful wreath! :)


  33. This wreath is AMAZING! I truly love it droopy bow and all!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. This is such a lovely wreath and helpful post! I am hosting a Fall Wreath Party at my blog and would love it if you linked up!


  36. Ok, Lisa! When did you come to my house?? You must have stopped in while I was away and saw my wreath. Yes, I am proud of it, but it IS TOO HIGH ON THE DOOR I know.

    Thanks for a great tip!!


  37. Thanks for coming to the Wreath Party!! (and for sweet comments about my blog!)I know everyone will be learning good stuff from you!!!
    Happy Fall

  38. Love the tip for hanging the wreath. Simple...yet looks so good!

  39. Great tip and I love your wreath! I am usually a wired ribbon fan but you make a strong case for the droopy ribbon. My current wreath is hanging with a burlap sash! Happy Fall!

  40. THat is so pretty! I have a summer wreath up now hanging on one of those normal metal wreath hangers but I have been thinking that I wanted to make a fall wreath and looking at yours makes me want to even more! I also just painted my door brown (pretty close to yours) and I think it will look beautiful. I like the ribbon hanging idea too, I believe I will try that! Thanks!

  41. How pretty! Love the ribbon hanger, and I agree that the droopy bows have an elegant look to them that the stiff wire ones don't. The monogram is fun, too! :-)


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