Thursday, August 27, 2009

So Long Summer

Being stuck right in the MIDDLE of Seasons is sort of BLAND. I thrive on the CHANGES of our 4 Seasons. The air change is exciting and different, adding variety to life.

My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE time of the year is fall and Christmas. As the long Indian Summer ends and the crisp air of autumn begins, I always feel energized with the upcoming festivities.

Although I have a bit of a progressive spirit, AND am attracted to modern and edgy things, I am shamelessly a girl of tradition, holiday, and home.

These late months in the year are full of warmth as we celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmastime. That's MY time. What is YOUR time? What season energizes you? Why? Share, share.

All images in this post were found using Google Search and are not my own


  1. When I was a kid I loved summer. The heat meant time spent doing things I loved to do. Four wheeling and sleeping in the back of my truck topped the list. As I age I find that the way the weather looks out the window of my office and how it effects my work day are more meaningful.... I'll have to give more thought to what my season is. In the interim I shall enjoy the homemade cookies that inevitably accompany your season holiday season :D

  2. Interesting ... like you, I've usually always adored fall. However, we've had such a cool/mild summer this year that I hate to see it end. Couple that with the 4.5 days last winter without power (ice storm), and sadly I'm sort of dreading winter this year. I'm hoping it's not too bad!

  3. I just love the Fall. When we were looking for our house we would drive through neighborhoods and I would imagine what it would look like with lawns covered in leaves, pumpkins on the front porches and sidewalks lined with Trick-or-Treaters. Fall just feels like home to me. =)

  4. I'm also a Fall girl. I love when the colors explode on the mountains, love the cooler, but not too cool air. Fall was also the time when I fell in love with my honey, so I'm always reminded of that every year, and it makes it extra sweet. This year, I'm glad it's here because I will have my baby girl in the fall!

  5. My favorites are just as you said...Fall and Christmas. I love the changing of the seasons to the crispness of Fall (although that usually means rain here in Oregon). The leaves turning colors just make me giddy! And then I love Christmas time because it means family, traditions, sweet treats, and lots of decorating and crafting!

  6. i love all seasons and miss experiening them all. xo. -brandi

  7. I, like you, am a fan of the later months of the year. I love October and November in this part of the country because the air is crisp, and the leaves are beautiful. It makes me want to go apple picking, make chili, and carve pumpkins. :)

  8. These are some fabulous pictures. I hate to see Summer go. But once we settle into the fall weather I love fall the best. And once Thanksgiving comes all I can think of is how much I love Christmas.

    So, I am a little indecisive. Or is it flexible???

  9. The Christmas season is my absolute favorite time. Hope is so alive everywhere!

  10. I just blogged a bit about this yesterday. I love fall and Christmas also. Just the slight chill that has crept into the evening air makes me want to pick apples, buy pumpkins and light cider smelling candles. I love each season for different reasons. They change always promises something new and refreshes me a bit.


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ALSO, I am unable to link up to new link up parties due to time constraints. Thank you for your understanding.

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