Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sanity in the Summertime *Works for Me Wednesday*

This edition of Works for Me Wednesday is problem solving for bored kids in the summer months. I would like to give a big 5 star book recommend. Sanity in the Summertime
by Linda Dillow and Claudia Arp is YOUR ANSWER. Check this book out at your local library or find a spot to buy a copy, because it will be your lifesaver this summer. My mom actually used this book when we were kids and I have incredible summer memories. It works for the whole family. This book encourages worthwhile activities and family time too. You won't want to miss out on the creative ideas on the pages of this book.

Cheers to your best summer yet!

For more Works for Me Wednesday ideas, click here.


  1. I'll have to get this. Nothing worse {or whinier} then a bored kid!! =)

  2. Thanks - I'll check it out. I love that your mom used it when you were little!

  3. I remember that pretty little blond-haired girl who so delighted in the fun summer activities. You had a happy, grateful heart even then. Now, you are helping to create happy memories not only for your boys, but also for their cousins as you come up with all kinds of fun ideas for them to do together. You are putting smiles on lots of faces!

  4. I am totally going to buy this book!!! Thanks for the tip!

  5. Going to check our library for that one!

  6. my library system doesn't have.. .I'll check Amazon. With 3 kids ages 12-2 I'll definitely need it

  7. I will definitely have to look into this book! Going to my library website for starters right now. Thanks for sharing!!


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