Monday, April 6, 2009

Floss until they're squeaky clean

Did you know that brushing your teeth alone isn't sufficient for healthy teeth? That annoying bad breath bacteria and other plaque stays nestled down between your lovely whites even after a good brushing. Everyone should treat their set of sparkling teeth well by flossing every single day...not twice a month...or 3 times a week...BUT every day. It is best to floss for about 2-3 minutes. Wrap the floss around your fingers like the photo below and get after it!
Your lovely whites deserve it! So...go ahead and floss right now...your laptop will still be here when you return in 3 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you found my little blog! :)

    Yours is super cute..and you get MAJOR cool points from this dentist-to-be for this flossing post!!!
    Good job! ;) hehe!


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